Ekimu and Makuta's Relationship

I wanted Ekimu and Makuta’s relationship to be more interesting than in G2. My idea was this:

Ekimu and Makuta are still friends, even in conflict. I imagined it sort of like the Greek Gods in the Trojan War where they are playing an elaborate game of chess with each other. Maybe they had a bet to see if Ekimu’s creations could beat Makuta’s. They wouldn’t become arch enemies, though, they would just be having a friendly competition.

What do you think?

I feel like it takes away from the character of Makuta. I like the idea of trying something different with their relationship, I’m just not on board with them being friends. Respecting each other, sure.

My Makuta pitch has been partially made off the podcast in our private call, but I’ll make sure to say it on the next episode.


That would totally defeat the Light and Dark conflict.

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Did you read my G3 pitch? I had a sort of different relationship in it, if you’re interested.

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The Greek Gods were still friends because they were relatives.

They way you describe it feels like the right direction but I think perhaps more a respect and regard for the other is more proper, such as when one sees the other’s plan unfold and remark the genius of the plan, even though they are opposing the value each other as capable leaders. I’ve worded it badly but I think you get what I’m trying to convey.

Soo… Sherlock versus Moriarty?

In a sense, yes that’s actually a pretty good example.

I was thinking Professor X versus Magneto myself.

Both do have the whole chess game thing. But Prefesser X and Magneto are actually friends, as opposed to Sherlock and Moriarty who are enemies who share mutual respect.

The Sherlock and Moriarty example is better, its the respect of each other as opponents that should define how they interact with each other. I feel the representation of Prof. X and Magneto is too friendly for Ekimu and Makuta.

Ehh…not really. The only reason they didn’t kill each other is because Zeus forbid them to fight. Hera in particular was a very spiteful instigator.

Do you read legends with greek gods too?

I’m more of a mythology nerd in general. It’s the sole reason I ever even considered playing Smite. Bacchus is love, Bacchus is life.

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Since when was Ekimu part of G3?

I, and a lot of people here, had the idea of a trio of high gods representing the three virtues, Ekimu(unity), Makuta(duty), and Mata Nui(destiny).

So… How does we tell apart Makuta and Mata nui?

Their physical forms or godlike Playing chess with mortal forms?

I can understand the idea but I am not sure it will give much to the story.

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So would these three Gods be above the status of the elemental gods?

I would assume it would work like Hinduism, where there is one god with many different derivations. Makuta, Ekimu, and Mata Nui, would be direct derivations, while the elemental gods will be derivations of the three virtues gods.

Uh ok I guess that makes sense.