Eljay's AMA

So seeing as you’ve done the big face reveal, are you going to change your avatar?

  1. Relatively speaking, it was recent. I made the choice a little over a year ago.
  2. I’ll wear it from time to time, of course. I love the mask too much to ever not use it.

Possibly. I may wait until after the livestream, though.

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What live stream?

We’ll be having a livestream next week, on the 20th. Times are TBA.


It is a great mask.

I hope you don’t completely remove your mask from what you do. While the face reveal is cool and all, but the Miru is your thing. You shtick.

I can assure you, it ain’t going anywhere. :slight_smile:


lj y u faec dum :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Real question, have you ever read the Harry Potter books/seen the movies?


Hey @Eljay since you are unmasked now, so does that’s mean TTV banner have to be changes, and I updated my TTV as Superheroes again?

What is your actual opinion on memes.

And this.

Are you going to keep the mask on for the whole livestream (like usual), or are you only going to have it on for part of it (or not at all)?

Seen all the movies, and read some of the books.

  1. Unlikely.
  2. ???
  1. Some are funny, and some are not.
  2. That’s cool, although it may be better to show Purple.

You’ll have to wait and see.


I know you technically finished the reviews, but are you going to do a Nuparu Matoran review?

Also, the finale was pretty great (both the beginning and the end XD).

I now have a question about your hair. Do you usually keep it ruffled like that or do you comb it or what?

Your hair is also a bit darker than I imagined :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean, this one?

If you were making a joke, you needed to say Nuparu McToran. =P

The former. It’s rarely ever combed, and is usually a lot wilder than in the video.


Taking off your mask was quite a surprise, not only did I think you’d never do it, but you look exactly how I pictured you.

Do you think now that you’ve taken off the mask, you’ll do what Jon has done and start going by your real name, or just stick with Eljay since it sounds enough like a name?


How was the lineup a “row”? It was barely straight.

Didn’t expect that face reveal. Well done. However, do you feel you lost a bit of the secretive “Eljay” personality you had? There isn’t much that the rest of the cast has revealed about themselves that you haven’t revealed about yourself.

Alright. So I just watched the last Recap Review, and good God was that depressing. Right up till the end. And when I saw the face reveal, I probably should have been sitting down, even if was expecting it. Now I do have a few questions.

What was it like taking off the Mask on camera for the first time?
What was it like spending over two thousand dollars on Bionicle sets?
What’s your favorite year set wise?
What’s your favorite toa team set wise?
What’s your favorite villain team set wise?
What’s your favorite set that isn’t one of the two sets of six?
Did you ever have any second thoughts while collecting sets over the course of three years?
What’s your least favorite set of all time?
What’s your least favorite year set wise?
What’s your least favorite toa team set wise?
What’s your least favorite villain team set wise?
What set was the easiest to get?
What set was the hardest to get?
What was the last Bionicle set you ever got?
What was it first Bionicle set you ever got?
How did it feel when the final set arrived, and your collection was complete?
What compelled you to purchase every single cannon Bionicle set ever?
If you could have continued Bionicle G1 for one more year, how would you go about doing so?
If you could have continued Bionicle G2 for one more year, how would you go about doing so?
After completing your collection, will you be getting rid of any sets you don’t like?
What was your favorite part of collecting all of the sets overall?
What was your favorite specific moment in collecting every Bionicle set?


The face reveal was very cool, and you handled it very professionally. Now, instead of freaking out about your face, I’ve got a more specific question.

DotA2’s 7.00 patch is arguably the biggest and most insane update the game has ever received. Have you had a chance to look into it?

Also, I just want to say I’m really appreciative of how interactive and modest you are with us. You play along when we bring up jokes that make fun of you, and you really seem to enjoy talking to us. You’re my favorite cast member for a reason, and I don’t mind saying that. Sorry Meso, you’re a cool guy, and Invi is obviously super chill (he accepted my friend request on Steam like, 3 years ago), but Eljay rocks. Keep being you, Eljay.


It’s hard to believe the recaps have come to an end already; it felt like just yesterday you’d started 2008. Still that was one heck of a way to end the series.

Are there any major characters in the overall story of G1 you would’ve liked to have seen in physical set form?

Have you ever painted any LEGO parts?

Now that the recaps and recents are done, are there any future series’s in TTV you plan to do?