Finish the sentence

water. How he survived so long is a mystery, but some say he survived by

Drinking Redbull, which countered his allergic reaction because

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Red Bull gave him wings, which destroyed all the water in a 20 meter radius, but

nobody would notice as the cool-aid man burst through the wall and started singing improv while

A young man in a suit exclaimed

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“What is love? baby don’t hurt me don’t hurt me no more!” As he

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Taxes to the Reptilian Government

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Starts to moonwalk

Off a bridge and into

A pit filled with

Building laxative laced with

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A type of deadly poison that can cause a person to

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Fart all Over a

Distance of

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23 million centimeters while he drank

Some gatorade, and ate

Glass, he then landed in

your anime waifus


A small town called

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Bidoofe Land, where the