Frankenstein's Parrot

“How are you feeling?”
“Well, that depends on what you mean.”
“I’m surprisingly okay for someone who was literally torn apart and put back together all wrong.”
“Really freakin’ relieved that I’m still alive. I’m no biologist, but I have a feeling this isn’t nearly as simple as modifying your car, even if I guess I’m part-car after this.”
“And mentally?”
“Well, it hasn’t quite sunk in that I’m half robot yet, so that’s still up in the air right now…”

This is Polly Diana Haddock, a potential character in an original story I’ve been writing. More specifically, this is her after an operation to implant her with several pieces of experimental cyborg technology. She’s themed after parrots (she’s a pilot, she likes crackers, dresses in red, yellow, and blue, and her cybog stuff is a copy of several other variants of cyborg) thus the title.

I think I’ll want to clean this up and color it later, but for now, what do you think?
(Hopefully this isn’t too risque for the boards…)


I like the drawing,… but where’s the parrot? Is it a metaphor, orrrrr??? :confused:


Oh, sorry.
My character here, Polly Diana Haddock, is themed after parrots. I should have made that a bit clearer. :sweat_smile:


I guess her name is Polly?

The crooked lines for the window and door kinda conflict with the lines of the room. And the legs drive me crazy, but I suppose that’s the idea. Like the head.


Yeah, I was starting to get kinda tired when I got around to those, so I’ll have to redo them when I take it into an editor.

The double-jointed aspect?

How so?

Oh, they’re double-jointed?
Didn’t realize that.

It just seems so expressive, I suppose.

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Yeah; there’s a robotic hinge just above her lower leg, but below the clear portion. She’s still not got the hang of positioning them better, thus them being all splayed out.

Thank you. :smile:

Well someone looks grumpy. Nice work.

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While the picture itself is well done, I don’t exactly understand the legs.

It’s a bit like they’re just dangling off her thigh bone?

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Basically her legs were cut off just beneath the knee
And a robotic section with an additional joint was put in between them.

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Very well done! I loved the excerpt, which easily implements story. The drawing is lovely; probably better than what I could do. All in all, good job!

I’m guessing @AMETHYSTDONTDOTHATstudios enjoyed the story, didn’t he? XP

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Why are there lines on her fingers?

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Also part of the modifications; mechanical implants to make them more steady and better suited to delicate operations.