So here i present to you all my take on a ccbs or g2 bohrok. This was made almost exclusively (with the exception of the two g1 armour parts on head) out of leftover parts from jto Makuta. It’s a relatively small build and being made from leftovers it’s rather messy, but i like the overall feel it has and the fact that i managed to incorporate the bahrag’s biting function is pretty cool. Might upload a video better showcasing the function at some point, who knows. Anyways here is g2 nuvhok (is that how it’s spelled?)
(Edit): how and why did this get 100 likes, I made it in like 30 minutes from leftovers
@TheWizardsReign@JMP@DarkHenrik Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback, It’s a weird moc i know, and it’s very interesting to hear the mixed imressions from people
Yeah, i get that. I tried for ages to find a head that captured the feel of the originals, and eventually settled with this just cos the function was fun to use
Along with Metru Nui Legacy’s, this is another nice rendition of a G2 style Bohrok. I like the shaping of the head and the fact that it retains the neck snapping function.
@Stoax Yeah, MNL’s bohrok was pretty sweet, although i think his photoshop and photography skills helped him a great deal, i liked his head design a fair bit more than mine though, felt very bug-like
@PakariNation99 unfortunately he cant fold into a ball, a very difficult feat to accomplish without the bohrok’s specialised parts
@Yveran I’m pretty satisfied with that hahah, cheers man
@MaximusPrime glad you like it man, if theres anough demand Ill definitely see if i can put some instructions out there