GAME: Crushing Hopes and Dreams

Granted but now it’s too big to the point where you can’t buckle your seatbelt.

I wish I could go see Logan.

Granted but Logan kills you at the end

I wish I had infinite hot pockets

Granted, but they’re literal hot pockets. Anything you put in them melts.

I wish for a trenchcoat

Granted, its oversized and neon green.

I wish for pie.


Pie Flavor! smaller pie flies upwards out of pie.

I wish I had the Nintendo Switch.

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Granted, it’s this one:

I wish for pi.

Okay, but you must recite the whole thing first.

I wish I could fly!

3.141592653589793238462643383279450884197169399375105874944…that’s as far as I can go…

Granted, but you can only fly two feet above the ground.

I wish for SCIENCE!

Granted, but it’s a science TEXTBOOK

I wish for another meme topic

Granted, but it’s was closed down swiftly.

I wished for a Transformers/Power Ranger crossover.

Granted, but it ends up directed by Micheal Bay

I wish I had axon

Granted, but due to the lack of specification, all of the pieces are broken and he has a galidor head instead of his mask.

I wish The Gold Experience wasn’t so expensive on ebay.

Granted, but it ends up being sold out

I wish that there were more game topics

Granted, but they’re all closed
I wish I was immortal

Granted but you have a VR headset with the Bee Movie narrated by Eljay strapped to your face on repeat for the rest of your life.

I wish for a dish.


Not gonna lie, I’d watch this.

Granted, but the dish is cracked and devoid of food.

I wish discord wasn’t down.

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Granted, but you have to pay $2!

I want silence.

Granted, but you’re deaf.

I wish BIONICLE was still an active line.

Granted, but the sets use 08 joints and are all lime

I wish I achieved master

Granted but you get suspended

I wish I didn’t have to go through health class