Game: how to win Life

step 1541:go bankrupt

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Step 1542: Nuke France.

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1543: the fitness gram pacer test is a multi stage Aerobic capacity test which get progressively more difficult-

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1544: Switch bodies.

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Step 1545: have high cheekbones

Step 1546: Rename Tuesday “Ghid-day”, in honor of the Unaffiliated High Emperor of Stuff and Things.

1547: ignore all previous steps. no exceptions.

Step 1548: Ignore step 1547.

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Step 1549: Under no circumstances do you ignore step 1548, no matter what this manuscript tells you.

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Step 1550: Realize that your step-by-step guide to winning life is self-contradictory, and also, if the previous steps weren’t important, why didn’t it tell you til step 1547?

Step 1551: kill @John_Smith

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Step 1552: eat half of a sandwich, and then let it sit in a jar for the next 63 steps.

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Step 1553: hold an entire country hostage


Step 1554: Give @Ghid a really check.

Step 1555: After resetting the step count to the actual number it should be, realize you gave Ghid a cashable check for all of reality(rather than a really check), and lament your mistake


Step 1556 cry, you’re a failure, You were supposed to stop @GHID from taking over all of reality but you have failed, and he will now surely destroy your entire bloodline past and present.

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Step 1557: become a purist


Step 1558: disregard step 1557 under the condition that you only modify broken/damaged parts and parts that are still in production.

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Step 1559: Excuse me? Somehow @N01InParticular was able to alter the physical appearance of @Ghid’s name to all caps in the ping - and it even showed up in the bio!



You’re now left to contemplate the deeper meaning of all-caps. Do so.


Step 1560: acknowledge that @GhiD has recognized that I know secrets that no mere mortal shall ever learn.

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