General "Quirks" Discussion Topic

That sums up my life with all the school sports jocks, they all think they can beat me up then I stare, just like “Wat”. Mostly because I’m the strongest in my class, I can carry everyone with ease yet I’m much shorter.
I understand the singing, as I get VERY bad stamina from my anaemia, as I don’t eat as much as I should to keep my weight down, so I focus on other stuff to keep away the pain.

@anon90160534 That seriously sums up the guy I was talking about, everything is the same, even being friends with my friends.

EDIT: I have a transcript of a conversation with him, about a get-together that all my friends where having. I was going to bring the food and drinks, because I’m a nice person and don’t trust anyone else.

Jax (Him): Come to my house at 1:00pm tomorrow
Beef; Can’t, I’m very sick ATM :C. Just got a new pill delivery.
My best friend (Being off-topic because he’s a lion): That song has lots of treble and almost no bass
Jax: YAY GOOD JOB KEAL (My name is Kealan, so people call me Keal pronounced Key-Al) CAUSE NO ONE GIVES A S***
Jax: Except your lover XD
Beef: Uh, you do because it means I can’t come with all the food and stuff tomorrow.
Jax: I don’t want your s***?
Beef: Great job mr my IQ is 0. It means I can’t come with all the food tomorrow. I hope you have a backup plan that’s more then -NAME REMOVED-'s Popcorn.

He shut up afterword’s
I swear to god I have hundreds more that are worse
Unfortunately, he will probably remain like that due to being my neighbour, but I doubt he would make it to collage/university due to his reputation.
Thanks for the advice though John!


Not really. If someone annoys me, I do my best to ignore and avoid them. Some of my IRL friends can be very irritating at times, but isn’t that what friends are for? :stuck_out_tongue:

@anon68675807 @anon90160534 @squeaverking Those kind of people usually get bored of tormenting others after high school, or else realize they can’t get away with it in “the real world.” But they’re a pain while they last.


Well that’s good to know. Only 8 months to go!


I think another part of it is that high school is an enclosed environment, so jerks will pick certain people to pick on and keep at it. In college/afterward, you’re more anonymous, so that doesn’t happen.


Actually, he got in my school in 5th Grade and we’re currently in 8th, but the whole [quote=“John_Smith, post:47, topic:3669, full:true”]
jerks will pick certain people to pick on and keep at it.
[/quote] part still rings true.


Oh, when you said 8 months to go I assumed you were a senior in high school. XD My bad.

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Hey! I’m in 8th too!


So there’s this guy, whose really obtuse, both in size and mind. We were friends back in elementary/middle school, mostly because we were into Star Wars and we were also in the same Cub Scout/ Boy Scout troop. But I swear, lately he has become King d*****.

He’s always bragging about how “muscular” he is (To be honest, he’s got muscles, but there’s no way in heaven he can bench 300 with the amount of fat he has as well.) and how he’s such a stud. He makes fun of my more lean stature, and the fact that I don’t have a girlfriend. He insists he has one, and they got married in the Bahamas or something, which is the most pathetic lie ever. In fact, honest to god, almost every story he tells is so full of s*** that when he starts talking, I have to walk away.

The thing is, he thinks we’re still friends, even though he ruined my chances with a girl by spreading rumors around the school, a lot of them had something to do with me being an a******, and others were about me being extremely anti-feminist. All of them (shockingly) were complete lies as well, but everyone believed him for some reason and some of my other friends decided to not talk to me ever again.

Worst of all, he’s now an Eagle Scout. For me, it’s a big deal because I tend to relate Eagles Scouts to great people, like various astronauts and soldiers. During his ceremony, all I could think was “This guy’s not an Eagle Scout. What is he doing here?”

  • Pats Bioraiders on the shoulder * I know that feel, bro. I know that feel.

I dropped out of Boy Scouts when I realized that being an Eagle Scout doesn’t really mean anything anymore. :-/


Pretty much all the people who play soccer at my school are serious idiots. They have no respect for any of the teachers, are extremely immature, and just annoy the crap out of me!

They think they are all the BMOCs, and so do a bunch of other people. I have had this one in my class for two years, and he goes out of his way to annoy me personally.


The only reason I’m still in it is for the college merit. Being an Eagle Scout tends to help when applying for such things.


I have more things!

-I rate stuff by how emotional it made me get
-I walk around my home with headphones on despite not listening to anything
-I don’t watch an anime if it has more than like 60 episodes
-I don’t mind my food touching, unless it’s food that first taste good together. I.e syrup flowing onto my hash browns
-I believe that there’s a fine line between something that’s serious but fun, and something that’s completely rejects fun.
-I never have my headphones on full blast
-I get annoyed when the volume on my PC is higher than 20
-I hate the mangaka for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure because he made the characters less incredibly muscular, and for completely resetting the universe after Part 6
-I have mostly desensitized myself to gore
-I hate most of the people in my school who play soccer
-I hate people who insist on calling it football
-I hate sports in general
-I want it to be possible to get college scholarships through e-sports
-I hate those guys that yells at everyone because they suck, and proceeds to complain that no one helped him
-I have dyslexia when it comes to bionicle and nothing else
-I like making lists
-I realized that this is a long list
-I’m still continuing it
-my legs itch while putting on pants after a shower


Yes, unfortunately she is my sister.
Other that that not really. Well there are more, but I can drown them out with the presence of my other friends.

I am the exact opposite. I have 3 double sided colored belts. I just pick a belt and choose the first t-■■■■■ that matches. Then I wear the same pair of jeans for like three days.

same here.

I’m just gonna leave this here…

I’m not into sports (or athletic in general), but if I have nothing better to do, I may join in a game of football (american), but only as a last resort.

Exactly. In fact, I learned how to pronounce Morbuzakh (Still not sure on spelling) during the LoMN anniversary review.

It’s even worse when you’re quoting.


Regarding jerks: I find that most people are pretty decent. I haven’t really hated anyone IRL in awhile. (And by IRL I mean I know them in person. There are some public figures coughpoliticianscough I highly dislike.)

On the topic of emotions… I’m a very emotional person but too afraid to show it. I’m very affected by others’ emotions including in movies/TV/books. For this reason I canNOT watch/read anything scary. (The reason I’m discussing this is my girlfriend showed me Pet Sematary for Halloween, and… I was the one hiding behind her. xD)


I think it’s about time I jumped onto this crazy-awesome-feels-topic!

Here’s a couple odd things about me:

-I pace around my house. A lot. Normally I do it when I’m thinking.

-I’m not usually an extremely talkative or outgoing person. However, ask me about something I’m passionate about (Star Wars, Avatar, Halo, Bionicle, Doctor Who) and I can talk for hours on end.

-I tend to get really annoyed whenever people don’t use decent grammar or spelling in English.

-I can be extremely self-conscious about what other people think of me. That’s why only 2 (possibly soon to be 3) of my closest friends at school know about my LEGO hobby. Heck, the only reason they know is that I’ve we’ve been freinds for 6+ years (back when LEGO was still “cool”).

-I tend to love specific sounds from movies for no good reason. Jango Fett’s blaster sounds and Slave 1’s engine noises/blaster canons from Star Wars EPII are good examples.

So yeah, that’s it for now. I’ll probably add more later. :smiley:




Also I remembered something a bit odd, I always have to have the volume on my TV set to a multiple of 5.

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All of these apply to me. :smiley:

This used to apply, but now I’m old and don’t care anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

This too, though I make an exception for 42.


I’m on the verge of not caring if people know or not. I guess I just need something to push me off the edge…

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