Help with buying '01-2 Toa canisters

Do any of you know where I can buy the Toa Mata/Nuva canisters from '01-2 as cheap as possible?
I tried looking on Bricklink, but they didn’t have all of them for each set of Toa.
You know how on the back on the Toa Mata instruction booklets, the heads and masks of the other Toa were on the canister lids? I’m planning on doing that for all 12 lids but the masks will be in the appropriate color for the Toa they’re meant for, as well as the Noble Kanohi (some will have to be painted in the appropriate color).

Which ones do you need? All of them?

Yes. :slight_smile:
All 6 of the Toa Mata and Toa Nuva canisters. :slight_smile:

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You’ll need to buy them separately in bunches if you want all of them for a food price, if you want all 12 of them it will be very difficult to find them and they’d cost a lot if you do.

Check EBay. It’s got some decent stuff for decent prices sometimes. Last month, I got Mutran and Vican and Makuta Icarax (they were opened, but came with all pieces, instructions, and the boxes) for only $20-28 (in USD) each!