How did Barraki look before mutation?

Here is how they looked

Make this canon greg


The way you drew Kalmah makes him look like he’s sweating profusely (and being very happy about it) :stuck_out_tongue:


I wasn’t sure how to represent the stuff on his forehead. I did the best I could, and yeah it kinda looks like sweat but if I didn’t put it there he wouldn’t be as recognizable


Interesting interpretations by clonedcharacter


Huh, this thread already exists.

I’m currently attempting to create de-mutated Barraki figures while deviating as little from the appearances of the sets. Almost done, but…

EDIT: Anyone have any theories as to whether Takadox would have still been glow-in-the-dark and/or had transparent limbs when not mutated? I’m trying to build him right now.

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I like to think the transparency was given to them by the mutations, but that’s just my opinion.

So I went ahead and did it.

They’re not very complex in build, but I’m happy with the results.

Ehlek was the first one I made, waaaaay before the others, and obviously the easiest one— just take the spines and mandibles off of the set. (I also removed all of their Squid Launchers, of course.) Then I reworked a bit of the head construction to accommodate the missing mandibles.

Mantax is probably the least interesting of these designs, probably because he’s also the least interesting Barraki in general. I kept the same leg, arm, and armor elements, swapped out the feet, and gave him a Piraka torso and standard head. I chose to use Onua Mistika’s Pakari mask since I felt it looked like what his head might actually be. The weapons are intended to be aesthetically similar to his small pincer.

I happened to pose Pridak and Kalmah like this and I realized it looked incredibly epic, especially since Pridak is the leader and Kalmah is the theoretical 2nd-in-command. I’ve left them in this pose ever since.

Pridak was the second one that I made, but his design was reworked after I made Mantax. Again I kept the legs and arms the same, and added armor that I felt was appropriate, since he had none. I gave him standard feet, removed his shoulder blades, put a nice big white Inika chest armor on an Inika torso, and again picked a mask that I felt worked visually. The weapons are kept the same since, unlike most of the Barraki, they are not a part of his body— the Shark Tooth Blades are actual swords that he had Nocturn make for him, and given that they’re particularly strong I see no reason why he’d stop using them. It makes him more interesting, in my opinion.

Kalmah’s changes were incredibly simple and happened after I realized that over half the necessary pieces could be found in the Antroz figure included with the Jetrax T6, which I have. I replaced the squid-patterned armor pieces with normal ones, gave him a normal head with a visually similar mask, didn’t need to change the torso at all, and replaced the tentacle with a similar-looking double-bladed sword.

I know, I know, Takadox isn’t technically part of the League anymore, but I built him anyway. He probably could have been altered a little more, but I didn’t want to lose the “tall, spindly, creepy-esque” vibe. So I just replaced the translucent pieces (yes, it made me cry too), took off his weird tail-thing, and gave him a standard head. Unlike the other Barraki’s masks, the Rau wasn’t chosen to be visually similar to Takadox’s head. Instead, I wanted a mask that could reasonably give off the appearance of a face with hypnotic powers, since he did still have those when un-mutated. The sword he’s holding is the one he got during the Federation of Fear mission.


Ehlek need’s a breathing apparatus. He was already an underwater creature.


This is after they were cured, not before they were mutated.

He would still need a breathing apparatus to survive after his restoration.

No, he wouldn’t. Mata Nui made all the Barraki amphibious, even Ehlek.

Ah, BS01 is in your favor. I concede the point :stuck_out_tongue:

You should use a Great Kanohi Rau on the Takadox. Noble one seems pretty flat/round and opaque.

The Great one is translucent, funnily enough.

@Helryx08 He was still somewhat mutated, though, wasn’t he? He was, after all, in the Pit waters too. So he’d have looked different too, even though he was also an aquarian species before the mutation. Or maybe that wouldn’t happen? Hydraxon, I think, wasn’t mutated…
@DuplexBeGreat No, he didn’t. The Barraki looks amphibious (safe for maybe Ehlek) because they were mutated by the Pit Mutagen in the waters of the Pit. In fact, each of the six Barraki come from six completely different species originally.

He did, in 2010, when he used the power of the ignika to make everything great again, he made all the mutated pit prisoners amphibious.


I like to believe the Barraki were comprised of various species, at least some of which we have seen before. The theories I’ve read range from Pridak being a member of Trinuma’s species to Carapar being a member of Axonn’s species. They probably wore faceplates that weren’t masks, something along the lines of Hydraxon. For example, KhingK made a very good 3-D model based on clonedcharacter’s drawing and it works nicely on BobTheDoctor27’s Pridak moc as a face or what not. I think diversifying the heads, some custom and some 3-D prints, is the best way to go if you want to build pre-mutated Barraki.


Thought you meant “amphibious” as in the Pit Mutagen mutations. But, does this mean that they were amphibious before? Ehlek is said to have originally been aquatic, as the only one of the Barraki. Amphibious =/= aquatic.

Maybe if we’re lucky, they can be canonized in a future contest? :crossed_fingers:


The mutations were undone, and they were all made ambidextrous: able to breathe both water and air. None of them were aquatic before, except Ehlek.