I was just wondering how the specific matoran to become Toa in 2006 were chosen. I assume the story team picked out who they thought the bravest matoran were (making Jaller an obvious choice). Is this how it was done, and was there any consideration of having them be the Chronicler’s Company before the decision was made?
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I don’t recall us considering the Chronicler’s company. The Mata Nui Online Game rarely came up in story team discussions.
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Interesting. So it was picking the bravest matoran then?
I know there was some back and forth about who was going to be on the team, though I don’t recall specifics. I think it had to do either with ones we felt people were familiar with through story or ones there had been sets of already or something like that.
I recall reading that the 2001 Matoran were the first to be considered, but Onepu and Macku were decided against because Nuparu and Hahli were more prominent story-wise thanks to the Boxor set and MoL/MNOG2.
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Yep. Mctoran, with a better Onu-Matoran.
Sorry you didn’t get picked, @Maku.
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