How Do You Sort Your Parts?

to be honest I don’t know where to put this, so I will put it here.
ANYWAY, I think this title is pretty self explanatory, how do you organize your mess of a room? I’m just curious. Personally I organize my parts into 12 categories, ccbs bones and such, torsos, G1 limbs, Hands, Feet, Technic beams and other small stuff, armor add-ons, weapons, heads, masks, and finally miscellaneous(mostly tires, rubber bands, and tubes)
Here is a picture if ya wanna see.


2-3 huge bags, colour coded

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I recently moved from my 2 rooms at home to one room in a transition house (1 room) so I started buying drawers to organize my bionicle parts. Still not finished but I haven’t focused too hard on it anyway.

As you can see I haven’t done much organizing for anything else. And this not including the 6-8 boxes of system at my parents house (space issues and I use bionicle more.) .


I used to have my bricks organized by color, but over time the different colors have unfortunately become mixed together

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Not even joking, I misread the title as “How to organize your pants”… brain… get with it.
Currently I just have small piles of specific parts layed out on the floor.
(I have a ton of parts though)


bins and boxes ofcourse, and messily


I have them in multiple bins… well actually… I don’t really have them “sorted” but I’d really really like to organize them.


so pretty much nobody actually has there stuff sorted…

Except for Play Stippling, seriously that guy has a bin for every single type of type of type of type of type of part.


I’ve considered choosing the drawer life over the box life, but I didn’t choose the box life, the box life chose me. #NoGoingBack

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I have like 5 plastic bags of parts that I consider “useful” the rest are in one massive box #BoxLyfe


I used to live the box life. Then I took a dead meme to the knee Then I got 11 drawers, and since then I have been making like 17 mocs a day.


I thought this said “how do you sort your pants” for a moment. I pretty much just find whatever I can get and separate out types of parts from there.


I don’t sort parts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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it’s simple: i don’t



I made a vain attempt, but it died.


I use four sorting bins of two different styles, and the rest are in bins, unsorted.

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In a plastic bag I put into a shipping envelope.

I suck at mocing so I’m saying I sell them.

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boxes in shelves. I try and color code them and that is going well. But that is unfortunately it, i don’t really have specific parts in a specific box.

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I know exactly where all my parts are at one time. I dump them in this huge tub and whenever I need a piece I just use my Kopeke/ginger powers to call it to me. After a minor sacrifice of course.


Bah, sorting.