HowTo: MOC Tutorials

uh… I’ve now the furno thingy for like… 5-6 years, there are even mocs that use that design


Does anyone know how to make a nuva style chest for inika sized builds?

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Personally, the inverted Furno helmet looks more like a Kakama or a Vahi to me (especially in the face), but I can see the Kraahkan vibe now as well.
That little nub at the end sort of also makes it seem more beaver or woodchuck-like if you stare at it long enough.

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cough Axonn cough


Axonn’s more of a modified Piraka build, though.
Not saying it couldn’t work, mind you, just that the design might need to be altered a bit to look good.


how to make fem-MOCs? (without objectifying and unrealistic proportions)

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The “rules” of making a female MOC that wont get trashed/ has realistic proportions:

  • Stay away from Nuva boobs, Maybe use one as a chest piece but two is usually over kill
  • Keep the abdomen wide. (depending on the size of the MOC 3 studs and up is usually the way to go.)
  • The shoulders should only be a bit wider then the waist.
  • Use rounded and curved pieces, but do not go over board.

Obviously these rules aren’t set in stone.
They’re just useful guidelines in my opinion.


Honestly, what really matters are the proportions; if you keep everything relative to the rest of the build and try not to exaggerate too much, then you should be fine. Also, keep in mind that many different body types do exist, so you shouldn’t automatically avoid using a specific piece if you can justify its look on a particular character either.
For example, one of my MoCs from 2006 (I prefer to buy new pieces instead of cannibalising my older stuff, which is why I have, like, 76 different figures chilling out in my closet) straight up uses Metru heads and the two silver Avohkiis from Teridax to represent the chest area, but to put things in perspective, she’s also a fairly large Titan who I built to be very thick and muscular as well (her lower abs are essentially a Rahkshi’s Kraata case, and apart from her colors, she sort of resembles a taller version of Axonn), which gives her more of an Overwatch Zarya look instead of what some of you were probably originally visualising upon reading the first half of this extremely long sentence. So instead of purposefully avoiding certain designs, what you should really be focusing on is how to make them work realistically within the concept and context of the figure itself.


could we see pictures?

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Can anyone show easily modifiable custom limbs for an Okotan sized build?

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CCBS is good, but not custom. You could try system based limbs, those can turn out well.

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I would, but I don’t really have pieces to transition from technic to system without it looking weird.

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What connections and dimensions are you working with?

I’m trying to make something around the size of an Okotan, maybe a bit bigger, connected by either ball joints or technic pin/axle connections.

What is the overall look you’re going for?

Something steampunk looking, that I can have exposed gears and possible still put on a small armor shell.

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thanks man i appreciated the explanation


That… would require me to charge my tablet and fiddle around with it for a good half an hour due to its stupid selfie camera, and for everyone else to look past picture quality so horrible that it could potentially make all of your eyes start bleeding, but I’ll see what I can do.
No promises, though.


here, have an upper arm design

some are flipped, some are not, I dont care and neither should you


Imma bookmark this. Seems so useful.