Hyborg CCBS Series Idea

This is an idea of mine that has been floating around for years in the deep sea of my imagination.
It started out something along the lines of Kamen Rider or Power Rangers when I first started on it, but it has kind of veered from that with some of my newer ideas.
I guess you could say they evolved into my own idea for a Lego CCBS line, just without the set forms.
Most of these are old concept drawings over the past few years ranked oldest to newest.
The Predatorium title comes from an early concept name for the whole story.


The Hyborg (Hybrid+Cybernetic+Organism) are virtually living machines, their circuits integrated with the DNA of humans and animals, created to be living drones by United Nations Space Agency.

I had two plot lines in mind for the Hyborg story:
Plot #1: the hyborg are used as probes sent to explore a newly terraformed planet to see if the planet is now suitable. They encounter several problems, such as computer viruses, software infesting aliens (think Krana or HF Brains), before giving the new colony site the A-okay.

Plot #2: the Hyborg are defenders of a new colony cut out on a recently terraformed planet. They use their abilities not only to monitor crime within the colony but to protect it from malevolent life that dwells on the outside of the colony’s shield wall.

The key difference between Plot #1 and Plot #2 is the size of the Hyborg. in #1 I imagine them being about 5 to 11 inches tall while in #2 they are round about human size give or take a few feet.
More or less in Plot #1 if they were in CCBS set form, the sets would be 1:1 scale to the characters.


I, personally, really like your drawings!
I also prefer plot #2 over plot #1
Great job!

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its a odd thing and i have mixed feelings about this

1, i would like mocs of these and how they would look as legos

2, not to be mean but do you have any other story lines, (they have bean used before many times) except for 1 that’s one i prefer

also i am getting a swatcats vibe


Well, when they were still in the Power Ranger-esque concept stage, I did have them as products of a corporation who would kidnap normal people, and turning them either willingly or unwillingly into hyborgs.
This is a friend’s art piece of how they looked then. They weren’t as animalistic back then…

From Left to right:
Hyborg 00
Hyborg V-Red
Hyborg X
Hyborg Wolf
Hyborg DAG-R Knight
Hyborg Arachnis

I do have other artwork of them from this stage of development, but they’re all pixel templates…like this…


That spider hyborg looks nifty. Reminds me of…

Oh no. Not the Superior Spider-Man!

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I came across these too.
These are some old storyboard type drawings I made for the plot #1 idea.
It borrows a little from the arrival of 6 certain heroes…

1 & 2 Starship approaches planet.and launches its payload, a large number of canister shaped pods.

3-5 Each pod descends to the planet’s surface, narrowly avoiding the gigantic trees growing in the planet’s lush green forests. They finally crashland, leaving deep craters in the dark earth.


Thunder Hyborgs Ho!

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