JTL's LDD Brickheadz

EDIT: I am now taking requests!

I have become pretty taken with the new LEGO Brickheadz line of sets, and so I decided to create my own group of them in LDD. So far, we have Tahu Mata, Clayface (LBM Version), The Eleventh Doctor, and Ninjago Movie Zane.
My favorite that I have built would have to be the Eleventh Doctor, for no real particular reason except that I love him.

My first update, the Tenth Doctor. As soon as I saw the Nexo shield piece in LDD, I knew exactly what I’d use it for.

Second update: Batch 2 is completed. We have Tenth Doctor, Skybound Jay, Captain Rex, and K2-S0. My favorite is Skybound Jay, closely followed by K2-S0. Oh, and I made a slight edit to Tenth Doctor, giving him his 3D glasses.

One more update before nighttime: Batch 3. Here we have Max, the LEGO Club Mascot, Pohatu Mata, Steve from Minecraft, and Harry Potter. My favorite of these is Harry, especially how I accomplished his scar. Pohatu, he looks cool, but I couldn’t find I way to make him recognizably Pohatu. Any suggestions for how to fix him?

And Batch 4 is here! Here we have a Tahnok, Mega Man, Stormer (Hero Factory) and Spider-Man! BTW, thanks to @BBricks for the ideas for the first three. But let me tell you, Tahnok was really hard to bet looking right. My favorite of this batch has to be Stormer, who in my mind looks perfect.

And now here’s the full group shot of the complete JTL’s Brickheadz: Series 1!

Many more to come, and seriously, if you have an ideas for one feel free to share!

Okay, the beginning of Series 2 is here, with Batch 5! Here we have a group that should never be seen together: A First Order Stormtrooper (Thanks @kanohippy!), The Incredible LarryBoy (Google him if you must, this guy was my childhood), Benny the 1980s-something Spaceguy, and The Flash. My favorite of this batch is by far LarryBoy, and to a lesser extent Flash (I find it ironic that I used bananas for his head bolts.)

JTL’s Brickheadz: Now in Bluerender!

Introducing Batch 6, in beautiful Bluerender quality! The four for today are Johnny Thunder, SCOTT STERLING, Anakin Skywalker, and Pohatu Nuva. I think Pohatu Nuva might be favorite, just because he turned out so much better than his predecessor. I also love me that Sterling.

Well, even after a single day of having Bluerender installed, it’s wreaking havoc on my piece-o-crud computer, we have resorted back to regular LDD to bring you, as requested by @Leoxandar, @Political_Slime!

Requested by @Sammythekat and @Asriel, Guncannon and Warter!

You people are killing me. Here are two special orders, from @Pavetsukkeli and @Brunamal, Scully and the Amazing Good Guy!

I’ll be honest; I have no idea who any of these characters are that you guys ordered. But I made them. So, here are Mulder and Cancer Man, Orga, Barbatos 4, and OG Gundam, requested by @Brunamal, @BBricks, @Omega_Tahu, @Sammythekat, and @Jormad. Here you go, suckers. :wink:

AAAAAAAAAND because Bluerender is down again, here is the next orders in LDD, @RaptorTalon’s Self MOC(?) and Guntank (Gundam’s are stupid) requested by @Sammythekat:

And, per @Sammythekat’s request, here is all the Gundam together:

It’s been awhile, but finally here is a new duo. First, Blind Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars Rebels (My favorite character), and a special Self-Moc order from @VelociJACKtor! This was pretty difficult, but I’m pretty satisfied with the end result, and hopefully VelociJACKtor is too.

And I’ve been busy. 5 new Brickheadz!
First is Orrgo, a very obscure Marvel Comics monster dude who I made for no real reason at all, and, since I love the TV show the Flash, I present Cisco Ramon and Harrison, Harry and H.R. Wells. Now, for those not up to date or in the show, these three Wells are not triplets, but all from different universes, and one isn’t even a Wells, but Eobard Thawne is disguise (that would be Reverse Flash Wells.) Yeah, I know, it’s confusing.

This post will be updated periodically when I have more built.


Fezzes are cool.

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I never really cared for the brickhead design but I’m loving that doctor! Tahu and Zane feel a bit boring (personally)
Clayface is cool but those cheek gaps.

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summoning @John_Smith for the 11th doctor.


Someday I’ll change my avatar back…

Anyway, I’m not the biggest fan of Brickheadz/Funko, but I’ve gotta admit that 11th Doctor doesn’t look bad at all. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d buy every one of these in a heartbeat, or two wink wink wink.


Neat, I like the way Tahu and the Eleventh Doctor translate into the Brickheadz style.

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omigod its the doctor

this is amazing

the fez is beautiful

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Hey look, it’s Jogn_Smat.


Second update: Batch 2 is completed. We have Tenth Doctor, Skybound Jay, Captain Rex, and K2-S0. My favorite is Skybound Jay, closely followed by K2-S0. Oh, and I made a slight edit to Tenth Doctor, giving him his 3D glasses.


Jay looks really nice, but k2so seems like a panda to me.

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Looks great! makes me really want a LEGO Ninjago Movie Brickheadz line.

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That Tenth Doctor is the best thing I’ve seen all week.

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@kanohippy @Jal @Sammythekat @John_Smith @Stoax @BBricks Well, seems like my Eleventh is popular. Thanks! And I promise the quality will only step up.
@Invader I see what you did there. :wink:
@Leoxandar What?
@kanohippy @RaptorTalon Again, thanks! Huh, now that you mention it, K2 does look kind of like a Panda.
@Lord_Tuma Glad to see my work brighten someone’s week. There will be more Doctors created, I promise.


These new ones are amazing.

The detail on the Doctors is really good.

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One more update before nighttime: Batch 3. Here we have Max, the LEGO Club Mascot, Pohatu Mata, Steve from Minecraft, and Harry Potter. My favorite of these is Harry, especially how I accomplished his scar. Pohatu, he looks cool, but I couldn’t find I way to make him recognizably Pohatu. Any suggestions for how to fix him?


These are legit. You’ve inspired me.

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Give him a rock :stuck_out_tongue:

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New! I am now taking requests!

That tenth doctor is possibly one of the greatest things ever made.

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