Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Cronk: I’m a Moderator, remember?

Kahi: [There is one problem with this,][1] Mr. ModSquad. This proposed “leak” is not even found on this list!

Slime: Er… What!? But, it was posted on the board…

Kahi: This evidence contradicts the other piece of evidence! We need to know why! Chronicler, I’d like to ask you about…

Which piece of evidence do we ask Chronicler about?
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwoi6-8UFQI

The leaks list

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Then why could you not get any other pictures?

Erm, the list?

Cronk: THAT is an official list pulled out of the BIONICLE website’s coding. Which means it’s real.

Cronk: I’m not permitted to show them. Var does NOT want me showing any more leaks besides this one.

Hm, not really sure what to do.

Since the list is real and the leak obviously doesn’t match we could press that it’s only a fake leak, but that still violates the policy.

You still wanna go for it? Or you could ask about the other item.

Sure, but if anyone else has another idea please share.


Cronk: This was found on the board, as well. Except it lacks any fingerprints whatsoever.

Court Record

My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.

It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Has no fingerprints on it whatsoever.

List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. Taken from Lego’s inner coding. Unsure of date when that happened.

For the sake of the story I’m not gonna ask why there would be fingerprints on a digital image in the first place

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If there were no digital prints from mesonak, what makes you conclude it was him?

Since it has no fingerprints do you have any evidence suggesting it was Meso who posted the leak and not somwone else?

Kahi: I hate to say it, but since Mesonak lacks his prints on this photo, what even suggests that he even did it in the first place?

Slime: I have my witnesses, who saw it all. Just trust me on this.

Kahi: I have a hard time trusting you when you don’t even provide the evidence that made it so Meso was even convicted. Even now you have a flaw in your evidence! Who could have put it on there!?

Slime: Er… Maybe he had gloves?

Kahi: You have no PROOF of that! Just get a witness already! Please!

Slime: Fine, then. If you’re so smart, pick your own witness!

-Plural Ogel

sure, lets get plural.

If we get Meso’s turn of the the events first we can use his testimony to possibly challenge others, but Plural is also a good choice. I cast my vote for Mesonak.

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Are you guy SURE you want Plural? Do you want to lock-in that answer?

yes I think we do

actually maybe Meso, we might need more evidence.


your right lets call Meso so @Chronicler bring him in

Kahi: I say we go with Mesonak. I need my witness to speak up for himself!

Slime: I was hoping you’d pick him.

Meso: Yeah. Let’s do this thing!

Mesonak: It was January 4th when I came across some guy named Nekchir. He came from Eurobricks, some foreign country, and wanted to show me some leaks. However, I advised against it. I know this with absolute certainty.
Soon he posted the leaks on the boards. I had to delete them but it was too late. For some odd reason people thought I posted them because I was caught taking them down from the board in front of the TTV building! I was framed!

Court Record

My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.

It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Has no fingerprints on it whatsoever.

List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. Taken from Lego’s inner coding. Unsure of date when that happened.

this is said to have been posted in Summer of 2015 but Meso was reported to have posted it in January, and the leak policy wasn’t in effect till December 2015