Keerask the Infernal Machine

-Keerask is the manifestation of what happens when seekers of science and knowledge ask “can we?” rather than “should we?”.

Its creators, who live deep inside the heart of Okoto, wanted to create a machine that would not only outmatch the element of ice, but also surpass it. The result of their hard work and arrogance was Keerask, who proceeded to ruthlessly murder its former masters upon its activation. Quite the short lived apprenticeship, I must say.

Keerak is fitted with “Araskloc”, a blade that causes instant frostbite upon touch. For the biomechanical organisms of Okoto, especially the indigenous Okotoans, this can bring instant death. This isn’t Keerask’s only advantage over the poor fauna of Okoto though. On its back a large thruster of sorts was implemented not only for flight, but to melt snow and weaken any elemental beings born of ice within a two mile radius. The flames that come out of it’s back are so hot that they occasionally come out as a stone and earth melting white, rather than the blazing blue that usually flares out. This also gives Keerask a “camouflage” effect of sorts, tricking unsuspecting Okotoans of ice into thinking they’re on the same level, as the white or blue flames can be mistaken for “energized ice”-

I woke up one morning and I felt the need to make a machine-like organism using CCBS. My initial concept was to create something something akin to the “Pawn Puge” of Xenoblade Chronicles: X mixed with the Rahkshi. I wanted to go with a simple design and structure, so that the eye could easily latch onto its characteristics.

Intimidation is the Best Tactic

A Back View of the Right Side and Left Side

A View of it from the Left

So, what did you think? Do you like it or have any criticisms and critiques? Post in the comments below! :slight_smile:


Epic, looks like a deformed rhino. One thing about the bio, by outmatching someone, you ARE surpassing them.

But anyway love your use of the elemental blade things. Love the use of the skeleton bones, creates a monster type of look. How does the hold the weapon, which is epic, and I like that hand design. How tall is he?

Good job :thumbsup:

There was greater context to what I was trying to say. Outmatching simply means that you’re a cut above, surpassing has a bit more… grit to it and conveys the sense that you’re not only a cut above, but you’re fit to be a replacement. I hope that makes sense to other people who aren’t me. XD

[quote=“DiamondKing, post:2, topic:17232”]
How does the hold the weapon
[/quote]The weapon itself is actually a weapon that was introduced in G1, and I think perhaps used in HF, but don’t quote me on that. It has two connectors, so it’s great for making MOCs with fingers look like they’re seamlessly holding the staff part of the weapon. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“DiamondKing, post:2, topic:17232”]
How tall is he?
[/quote] I don’t have a tape measure with me, but Keerask’s about as tall as Tahu Master of Fire.

Cool, your backstory of him inspired me to add my own on my MOC but mine’s a lot shorter

I see what you mean, the word “surpass” holds more substance to it, not sure if that makes sense but I know what I mean

Yeah the weapon piece was on Brutakka and Rotor

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I really like the lengthy limbs and the use of skeleton pieces, along with the light green, almost light a power source in his chest.

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I hadn’t noticed that!! Helps add to that feeling that he was cooked up in a lab. Are you a monster hunter fan? I’m guessing you are based on background

Yeah man, and the use of claws and spikes is good, almost like he was made by organic animal stuff, and robot entoskeleton

Reminds of the rhino from the Amazing Spider-Man 2

if rhino was a cyborg

In the film he sort of is. Organic being in March suit. Like Bohrok I suppose

or like the matoran, ya’know? Anyway, I really like this moc, the white makes him seem very clean like a hospital or laboratory

I think @Tarvaax put a lot of thought into the character design based on his story. And man does it show

I agree, goodjob @Tarvaax

He inspired me to add a background to my MOC but it doesn’t influence it’s design as much I don’t think, unfortunately

I actually need to find a box for moc photos

You’ve got some great ideas here, some of them executed better than others. Speaking of eyes, is the green stud supposed to be the eye, or a heartlight of sorts?

I think it’s a heartlight, gerix2799 had a good idea about it

@Gerix2799 me too :smile:

2 op pls nerf

Other than the overpowered abilities he has (which is probably intentional) he’s good.

yeah, maybe if he had a programming malfunction…?

It’s made clear in the mini bio Tarvaax wrote