THERE’S BEEN A BREAKOUT IN THE LEGO CITY JAIL! It’s up to the Lego City Police Force to hire some cops and catch the robbers!
-Basically normal Mafia rules.
-Dead men tell no tales.
-If every citizen dies then the bad guys win, but if every bad guy is caught the citizens and cops win!
-You will each be assigned a minifig.
Also nobody actually dies because it’s Lego minifigures. They just get de-assembled. You’ll see what I mean.
-Officers: They know the list of criminals but they’re NOT allowed to tell anyone besides fellow cops who the criminals are. Don’t post the suspect list on the main topic or here otherwise you’ll be disqualified and the robbers will win.
-Crooks: Are the bad guis and they all decide who they wanna kill and when.
-The Brickster: The head of the Mafia and has the special power of being able to ask ONLY ONCE who a cop is. Otherwise he’s a crook as well.
Basically Mafia involves a team of bad guys we need to catch. Everyone except the bad guys are citizens, yet some citizens are special and have secret abilities. The bad guys will try to frame the normal citizens but we dunno who’s bad or good, so it’s a mystery game.
You’re given evidence, witnesses, etc.
The objective of the game is to catch the crooks before all the citizens die.