Lego fan experience?

I constantly get made fun of for still enjoying Lego and bionicles as a 16 year old. I’ve got a really thick skin so the teasing doesn’t bother me. Although I tend to try to keep it something I don’t really talk about especially around girls

What have your experiences been with people knowing your a Lego enthusiast?


Do not mention the bonkles at all,
It most not be mentioned, All evidence will be removed,
Nothing can interfer with our conversation

My experiences is mostly the same so no need to feel ashamed for what you like.


My friends are cool, some of them even watch the Ninjago Show on TV (But they’re not really fans)
I’m in a sort-of nerdy friends group, so I don’t really have any issues.
In fact, I heard one of the “cool kids” say that Lego is cool and that the Lego Movie was “lit”…

Relationships are not a priority for me…

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A lot of my friends are into LEGO, (not as much as me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:). But I never really talk about it to that many people, besides one or two of my friends anyways. So not too many people even know about my hobby.

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Well a lot of people at my school like kart country so

They can’t really say anything

Not that that stops them sometimes


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Eh, my friends are cool. Most of them aren’t into Lego themselves, but they get it. Other people? Yeah, no, not mentioning Lego.

Yeaaah… I usually keep that information on the down-low. My two younger brothers enjoy Lego, and my parents don’t mind it and will usually listen when I’m explaining stuff.

Man, it was so nice going to BFVA and being able to be around so many Lego fans.


Hmm maybe I should have used the blur and not the strike out. I meant I never ever talk about with girls im interested in

@RogueToa Well yeah but even if you not into the person mentioning it is probably not the best idea especially if you just recently met her IMO.

Anyways it’s for you to decide on what to do so bye.

Can’t be harassed about your hobbies by your friends if you don’t have any friends. :thinking:

My family doesn’t care too much. If anything, they support my crippling addiction.



Actually, though, I am so immature childlike IRL that no one is really surprised that I like legos.



The reason I think a lot of us are here on the Message Boards is that we have no one in real life to talk to about Lego.

I just plainly leave it out of all thought when I’m in school and around people in real life.


All my friends have really weird interests. Compared to them, someone who just likes Lego is pretty normal.


Yeah some of my generation peers are alcoholics, drug users, murderers, criminals, and politicians in the making…Im just here making my Lego figures out of parts…and this is whats considered as childish?


People like that I collect Lego but get weirded out when I start actually PLAYING with them.

They’re toys. They’re meant to be played with.


Im not playing with them, Im admiring their construction and look.

Ive passed the time where I monotalked with them and swooshed them around in some makeshift scenes…unless I have my niece and nephew that want to play with them then I give it a go.

But I dont let them be too rough with the G1 sets cause them connectors are one hard drop away from braking. G1 sets are like more open museum pieces , its past their play prime.

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Other than one friend of mine, my girlfriend and my immediate family, nobody knows a thing. And I intend to keep it that way.


It’s been a good thing and bad thing, probably like any hobby.
There have been people who’ve told me to give it up because I’ve outgrown it, and people who’ve bullied me for liking it, but there’s also been people who thought it was awesome.
My partner loves it, and I’ve gotten her into Bionicle. My friends think it’s pretty great, and are often impressed with what I build.
It’s about finding the right people to be around, and knowing that some people will make fun of any hobby because they themselves are boring, sad people :stuck_out_tongue:


I sort of advertised it as a hobby when I was little, so most people know that I enjoy it. Some also joke about it, but none of them despise it or love it, outside of one of my close friends, who makes CCBS MOCs.

tbh when I mention it nowadays it’s just another quirk for my book in fact some will go so far as to respect me for it.

Lego gets the most respect but Bionicle is fine among those who know it.

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