Loganto's Botanical Adventure

Day 8 - In the dark of the rain

A damp-dark high-sky weather day today. Heavy mist-clouds down-pattered water everywhere! Most Le-Matoran run into their homes, spending the ever-gloomy day out of the downpour. Me? Stay inside on account of rain? Never ever. Too many ever-interesting things happen in the black-damp mud-soil! Too many strange plants, too many strange rahi. It’s an ever-great opportunity I won’t pass up! So off I went, ever-stomping around in the murky muck of the jungle floor. As I was searching, I came upon a beautiful flower. It was strange, because I hadn’t recognized it. It was usually, on the ever-sunny green-bright days, it was an ugly closed up bud. This rain, it caused it to open-bloom into a beautiful petaled masterpiece. I give you, the dropcatcher. It only opens in the super-storms of the jungle. A Ga-Matoran would ever appreciate the bravery of going out-way and picking one in a storm. I might pick one for somebody I have my eye on…


Hate to be that guy, but…

Love isn’t canon.


What is love?

Disco lights flash for no reason


Day 9 - Night-light of DEATH

Today, or I guess I should say at sun-dark, I decided to go tent-camping in the ever-deep jungle. It’s ever-dangerous to do this alone, so I decided to bring friend Tehutti along. He has always been almost as curious as I am about this world. You should see his daily journal entries. They’re PAGES long. Anyway, back on the subject of camping. We set up camp, and we out-walked a bit in the dark. We came across some… strange glowing stalks. They had bulbs at the ends with small fiber-hairs. I went up to touch one, and the fibers grab-latched on with a small static burst! Not only did it do that, but it sucked itself back into the ground! Was it defense? I didn’t know. We decided to ever-watch them until they retracted again. To our surprise, a reke land-perched on a glowing bulb and got ever-fried by the fibers! The stalk retracted and didn’t come back up. Tehutti and I looked at each other and nodded. Carnivorous. We both decided to call them glowbulbs.


Shouldn’t this topic technically be under Literature? I think if you edit the title, you have the option of changing categories.

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But it’s… arrrtttt.

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I’m not saying it’s not, but since you have some reading material to go along with it (which adds depth), I thought it would also fit under Literature. Too bad topics can’t be under more than one category.

Yeeeaaahhh… I dunno. If I get more requests to switch it, I will.

Edit: Switched it

Btw, I love the concept you’ve got going on. I’m thinking of doing a purely-Rahi version in this style, but set in G3.

Day 10 - A normal walk in the jungle

The jungle was noise-bustling with ever-chirps of gukko while I flat-walked down my usual path. Not a blade of grass out of place… except for this unusual but beautiful flower! I remember the bipetal quick-popping up-root last budding time, only for them to promptly disappear from their spots the next sun-up. They have two petals and quite the pistil, and I always see reke drinking from it’s bud, so it must be ever-full of sweet nectar. I think they’re quite pretty.