Lost and Found

ever lost or found something?

I lost my signature machete…


i lost at least a 6th of my lego pieces.

also all my plushies


I lost my life to finding Shiny Pokemon

actually I have lost a Save file of FF7 on my computer
and I had Yuffie and Vincent

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At one point in early '06 I gathered as many parts of my old Gahlok(the first Bionicle set I ever got!) and attempted to reconstruct it. The plan failed when I could find hardly enough parts to complete it… That was, until I was struck with an admittedly rather inspired idea. I replaced the missing parts with cybernetic stand-ins(at that point I had no idea that the Bohrok were entirely mechanical, save the Krana, and assumed that they had tissue too), making it a cyborg-Gahlok with a Zamor sphere launcher for one of its eyes.

Overly proud of my amalgamation, I took it with me on the errands that day… To lose it in a park just a couple hours later.

To this day, I have no idea what became of the thing. It probably ended up at the bottom of a pond or in the trash somewhere, but I’d rather fancy that some kid found it and continued my legacy.


My freetime, thanks to the boards

Hmm…Most of my transformers accessories.


Yeah… I still find Transformers missiles in the weirdest places to this day…

I have a habit of losing minifigures then finding them a few days later.
I once thought I lost four 3DS games at an outdoor movie theater, but it turns out they were stolen by my friend’s younger brother.
In about 2010 I found a Nokama Hordika mask in the streets of Milwaukee.
That’s about it for interesting found/lost items.

Two lost things form my childhood stand out:

  1. A pirate hat, which flew off my head due to the wind and was lost to sea the very day I got it. I was so unhappy.

  2. A toy wolf named “wolfy.” I don’t remember how I lost it, but I got a new one, and I remember being sad because we couldn’t find a toy just like it and had to settle for less.

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Well I’ve lost probably an entire years worth of g1 parts.

  • Oonorahk’s face (I have every single part, except for his face)

  • A bunch of Transformers parts

  • My Transformers Cybertron Snarl

  • my sanity after joining this website

  • A couple unimportant Lego parts here and there

  • The place where I wrote the passwords for several different accounts on several different websites RIP my Club Penguin account

I think that’s it

I hope that’s it


I lost my small sketchbook

non of my important drawings are in it but still

I have no clue where it went and it annoys me


I lost my McDonald Matorans and a hat one time.:expressionless:

I lost my lego Han Solo once, for a year.
I found him again, not even looking, having given up at that point.

I lost a bunch of old Justice League figures and Transformers…

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I lost my McDonalds Digimon plushies, I believe someone stole them when I was playing with a group of kids. (they stole the bug and the seal digimon)

And I once found 7000 Serbian Dinars (around 60 Euros) all neatly folded on the ground in the playground near my school when everyone else was playing football (nobody wanted me on the team and I just kind walked around, looking at the ground and then I saw them folded paper beauties). With that money I was able to finish my Matoran collection of 2004.


It could’ve belonged to someone, but hey that’s what they get for not wanting you on the team right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways I lost some stuff

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Of course it belonged to someone, but it wasnt in a wallet nor it was actually possible to find the person since it could be anyone that passed that field/playground. Sucks to be them but its awesome to be me that found it. And it definitely wasnt from some kid, 7000 dinars (60 Euros) was a large sum back then for a 8 year old kid, still is today, to walk around with.

Also Its amusing that the kids from my school that were pricks at me and didnt want me in their team for playing football started to kiss my behind and want a share of the money when I found it. Obviously, that didnt happen and I happily went home with that sum of money.


Like I say whatever’s on the ground is fair game


I found the wing-piece to the MX-81 Hypersonic Operations Spacecraft underneath my bed.

I’ve lost lots of things:

My silver Ignika fell out of a car my familly rented for a trip to arizona.

The better majority of my pre-2011 Lego Harry Potter collection is who knows where.

The XPA-1 Power armor went full nuclear and is now non-recoverable

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