M.A.A.R.S. 'Potato Digger'


The MAARS is a state of the art line of fully autonomous mecha designed to be cheap and highly customizable.
The potato digger variant is a model originally conceived as a mining unit to search for valuable ore in a plethora of environments, even on asteroids.

A few third world armies and militant groups weaponized a small number of these, even though they are not fully equipped for warfare.

A considerable update to an old robot design I used a lot in my early stop motion tests.
The first ones utilized Inika or Piraka bodies. This one uses a extra wide standard HF frame with a Drilldozer shoulder plate.

Everything here is pretty much an update of the old versions, including the head.
The originals had heads that could not turn at all, this one has a limited range of motion.
The hip design was inspired by a bootleg set I got that used a similar construct.


This is worthy of the title, “Potato.”

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Has a farming group ever farmerized these so they dig up potatoes?

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The brown and tan is a beautiful sight to see.

Nice work

Beautiful photos. I do have one complaint, the armour shells in the hip area look weird.

the pics are great and the colors work, but the hip area is too gappy

That foot build is rather interesting

Thanks dudes!
@Morgy the shells were just fillers. I preferred having shell pieces there than bare ball joints sticking out…