Makaen - Frozen Flower

Thanks all.

The “Mata Blue” is actually azure, and seeing as I only have one set with Azure there’s not much I can do right now. Not sure what techniques and such I could use to make the Strakk head flow but I kinda see your point.

Because I can.

She’s less visually inspired by Robin this time around but okay

Guess that is a matter of opinion. The Solek mask is actually one of my favorites and one that I’ve considered feminine for a long time (probably due to the eyes.) Not to mention, the only other possibilities she had were the Akaku Mata and Mask of Water, both of which I got convinced to not use.


Female Toa of Ice… +10 points

Dark Azure Shells… +50 points

Final score: I LOVE IT

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This is pretty good. Nice color coordination. The only thing I can think of to make it better is try and cover up the exposed technic on her inner arm

The fact that the skirt is a different shade of white irks me a little, but it is still a great effect.

The Strakk head on the rear looks strange as the only armor covering the the back of the skirt and the blue on the arms and legs seems out of place.

A mostly solid build and color scheme that just needs a little work.

Call me back when LEGO comes out with its own white fabric, then.

I suppose, depending on how flexible I want the plates on the skirt to be, I can find a fix for that.

…I suppose I am getting Uniter Gali then

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I already said, it’s a great effect. It’s worth the color discrepancy.

It’s just the choice of piece, really. I think something that looks like armor may be more appropriate.

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