"Makuta Building Contest" W.I.P.s and Finished Creations Topic

So I ended up deciding on entering this: http://www.lego.com/en-us/rebrick/view-entry?c_id={00A66255-0F67-490B-97E3-3FCD9CF12314}&a_id=8fdb2bd2-23c7-454e-b3ea-32d6033cdd7f&sortEntry=false

Gotta say, it came a long way from its prototyping phase.


pretty neat

Man, do I love the colors you’ve used for the legs.
White and anything-that-isn’t-trans-light-blue always seems to fascinate me, and the fact that you’re using trans-purple, which is the translucent version of my favorite color, makes it even better! And it ties in with Gen 2 Makuta’s colors, nice!

The toe-claws, which I thought would look a little odd, work wonderfully well, as do the ribcages, and I really enjoy how well armored the lower legs are, and how the shape is consistent throughout. If this is what the rest of the creation is going to be like, well, I couldn’t be more excited to see what you have to show! :smiley:

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Hi everyone! This is my Entry, hope you’ll like it :smiley:

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There should be an article on Makuta on the Bionicle wiki page to help explain what happened.

Ive found it :wink: ive already submited my entry, thanks anyways :smiley:

One final update before I take photos, come up with a story and submit my entry:

See anything different?

I decided to add a gearbox, because I wanted to add a function to it. My goal with this was to build a makuta that didn’t look cluttered (thus the consistent colourscheme and the almost purely ccbs build) and in the style of the sets. I had a lot of fun designing this, and I loved changing up my moc until I had it just right. I don’t expect to be in any of the winning tiers, but I can at least say I had fun creating my own version of makuta.[quote=“E-Matt, post:1303, topic:26632”]
I had to add a lot of friction though

I added about 8 gears… too much?

That’s pretty cool. I gave mine a gear box too, just so he could swing his hammer. I had to add a lot of friction though.

Well what I added for friction was two ball joints and connector pieces, like on Onua 2015.

Please don’t double-post, as per the site rules. Thanks. --John Smith

I could have done that, considering I used a modified 2015 onua gear box, but I prefer using gears. Mainly because it makes the back look a bit more mechanical, but also it makes it easier to fine-tune the friction.

Waiting to see if someone did a Makuta genie moc or something not so bipedal.

I had tried gears, but I needed more friction to hold up the arm.


like my one!

any thoughts?

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Second one, definitely.[quote=“Ganno333, post:1310, topic:26632, full:true”]
picture wise?

Yeah. First pictures aren’t too bad, just not the best quality.

picture wise?

there is a dude who is cheating he forces people to lik his one even if it’s bad

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Really cool Moc

thanks! :smile:

How does that work?

he likes every entery and then say “i liked yours! it would be rude if you won’t like back” :frowning:

it’s not good to do this and it’s not even looking good :disappointed_relieved:

and he have over 40 likes!


Tell LEGO, in particular the rebrick admin. That’s a form of bullying, and Lego, being as kid friendly as possible, won’t tolerate that.


great idea

it’s not fun like that :frowning:

any way iam uploading a new entery! it’s like a swamp makuta! like the mistika! :smiley:

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