This is how I have my Mata-nui and Ignika are displayed on my self.
They’re quite basic builds with slightly custom torsos, but I like them.
Just thought I’d share them.
Toa Ignika
This is how I have my Mata-nui and Ignika are displayed on my self.
They’re quite basic builds with slightly custom torsos, but I like them.
Just thought I’d share them.
I TOTALLY need to do that for my Mata Nui
@Jormad Thanks
I really don’t like Mata Nui’s neck.
Love the feet of Mata-Nui. Gives him a height I thought he always needed.
Toa Inika’s my favourite. Don’t know if it’s the pose or the build itself but it makes him look like Onua.
@Toa_Vladin sorry you feel that way, ironically it’s the same way the neck is attached on the 8989 set.
@Power.Mocs Thanks, I always felt he was too short as well. As for ignika, I think it’s the way the head is attached, since the mask is sooo big, giving him a “proper” neck makes him look too spindly.
Not so sure about these. However I’m not big on 2009 in general so it might be that.
That Toa Ignika looks great!
Ignika is pretty
However Mata Nui suffers from monkey arm syndrome and smol hands.
I love Toa Ignika but Mata Nui’s feet look off, there’s also a lack of armouring on the legs, other than that, I love the weapon ans shield designs for both.