Matorans Rise


OOC: this RP is diyng out, we need to continue

Radrix and Taki got seated to rest

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OOC: yeah, I think I’m just gonna leave it at the reset.

Coral sits down on a chair, and Korban walks off somewhere.

Malekai lay down, ready to sleep. Before he closed his eyes, he had a random thought out loud. “You know, this may sound weird, sometimes I wonder if there is another one of me somewhere out there, in another universe. maybe he’s taller and better looking, too. Do you ever have thoughts like those?” Malekai asked Coral.

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Coral shrugged. “I dunno. We’ve never seen any evidence of other universes, although it is certainly possible.”

ooc: :stuck_out_tongue: I know exactly what this is for, lol.

Hina looked away from the telescope for a second and joined in on the conversation. ”You are correct, it us highly possibe that We live in a multiverse.”

“It just makes me wonder if what we do here affects other realities.” Coral mused.

”Indeed, it does.” Hina replied.

“Really? How?”

”Well, it’s intriguing, is it not?”

Coral nodded. “Very.”

Malekai nodded, his thoughts running wild now. “Hang on, let’s test this theory…” he grabbed his blade blaster and whacked himself in the head with it. “Now, if my theory is correct, my hypothetical other self might feel the pain in another reality.”

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In a galaxy far, far away and indeed, in another universe, a figure that looked exactly like Malekai suddenly winced and rubbed his head. “What the-?” He muttered, adding a few choice words. A look-alike Kronan looked up and frowned at Malekai, who shook his head. “It’s nothing. Just a headache.”

Back in our universe, Coral waited for something, well, different to happen. When nothing happened, she shrugged. “Ah, well. nothing. I guess we still have to find other proof.”
She laid back onto her bedroll and said, “Let’s get some rest. we have a long road ahead of us.”

As the Matorans slept peacefully, a dark creature gathered her forces. "My Bohrok… " she hissed. “The final pieces of the plan are coming into place.” The various Bohrok cheered and hissed. The dark queen turned to a Rahkshi standing next to her. “General, initiate stage Prime-Alpha. It’s time we ended this once and for all.” The Rahkshi nodded and bowed, then turned to his Rahkshi troops gathered behind the Queen. “Initiate!” He screeched, and the Rahkshi ran out in squads of 10 to different exits. The general nodded in satisfaction and walked over to a group of Rahkshi that were still there. “Come, Brothers, we have a group of pathetic adventurers to kill.” He raised his staff and whooped, the rest of the squad doing the same. They then turned and ran out another door, this time into the jungle…

Hina was still awake, looking in his telescope and writing things down. After a while though, he decided to rest as well.

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In the morning, Malekai would shake Coral awake. “Psst. Wake up.” He whispered, grinning.

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Coral woke up and say up. “Wh-what?”

Coral would see a small box with a bow in Malekai’s hand. “Merry Christmas.” He said, smiling. “Open it.”

OOC: you can decide what’s in the box.

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“I dream of someday becoming a Toa: if that would happen any of this wouldn’t happen.” Radrix was looking at the sky when saying it

Coral grinned and opened the box to find a book. “Awesome!” She said, smiling. She picked it up. “Plant life of Mata nui: a definitive edition.”

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Makekai breathed a sigh of relief. “Phew, thank the great spirit! I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

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