MOC: Norax, Toa Isa of Stone

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Welp, I finally posted a MOC again. Even though it’s been built for like a year. This is Norax, Toa Isa of Stone, and one of the main characters of my Bionicle story. Excuse the terrible quality, I had to use my phone for this one.




Size Comparison

Norax: “Shados! Why are you here?!” Shados: “Beep boop, I am evil robot.”

And 2nd pose!
That’s it for this MOC, now with fixed pictures!


Of course, the flipping bug is at it again, but from what I see, the torso is very well done. Good job.

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It looks nice, and the colors work well

Very nice!

From what I can tell, rotating your image in a camera editor in any way, then returning it back to normal and saving it avoids the error before you upload it.

@Plunko Thanks!
@1000Purse30 Thanks, took me a while to get the color scheme down.
@Morgy Thanks!
@Perp3tual I’ll try that later, hopefully it’ll still work
EDIT: It didn’t work

UPDATE: Pictures are now fixed!

I don’t like how the lower leg looks, but the color scheme is very vibrant.

This moc give me more of a Earth vibe from the squat/darker color scheme (although Hewkii Mahri did the same thing).