Nehe Princess of Jungle (with a bonus)

Not bad for your first post.

Proportions: Not bad here, though a bit oversexualized. May want to fix that if I were you.

Build: Pretty standard, although a bit cluttered.

Aesthetics: A bit wild here. Keep it to three colors, four at the most. I see black, lime, gunmetal, gold, yellow, and trans-orange. Try limiting it so the MOC will appear less jumbled.

Overall: 6/10. Pretty messy, but I’ve kept into account this is your first post, as far as my knowledge goe, so this isn’t too bad really. (Also, don’t bother with the other people that are a bit too critical here, this isn’t too bad to tell the truth).

Pro tip: Try moving some stuff to get a clean looking area to photograph. That could help with the appearance on the MOC (weird, I know).

Also, the surprise at the end is pretty neat.

I like forward to seeing more works from you in the future!

Keep it up! :wink:


I don’t quite understand the design choices you put into her

heck some of these may be inappropriate and people seem to disagree with the MOC

but I guess it can be an ‘ok’

It’s not good, but maybe edit stuff and this can be way better


OFFICIAL MOD MESSAGE: Okay guys, we all realize that this MOC has overly-sexualized features. Can we please focus on the MOC’s aesthetic qualities from now on? Thanks! -legomaster

As for the MOC itself, the textures look kinda messy overall. But the biggest problem is the photography. The cluttered background detracts enormously from the MOC itself. I highly recommend photographing with a blank backdrop. It’ll make your pics much more professional.


I’ll skip my usual kidding around. I hate the clashing textures. It seems like the MOC doesn’t know what it wants to feel like.


anyways the color scheme is everywhere, but you look lie you have talent, and could go far
welcome to the boards


Heres another critique, you should never have one set of limbs be made purely from one system and the other set from the other system, basically don’t have pure bionicle legs and then pure CCBS arms like you have here, it just ends up being a huge texture clash. Anyway now that I’ve calmed down over the whole thing. Welcome to the boards! I hope to compai. I mean critique your mocs in the future!

That sounds a little bit narrow-minded to me. System, CCBS, BIONICLE and TECHNIC all have parts with a variety of textures. One just needs to know how to use the different pieces at their disposal in the best way possible (that includes mixing systems).

What I said was PURELY from one system, like go make an inika build with purely CCBS arms and purely inika legs, theres a huge texture clash and doesn’t end up looking good, not that you shouldn’t mix the building system, but you need to balance them.

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Ah, okay, you’re talking about textures then. Fair point.

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