Nexo Knights: Moltor (Folk)

Hey, I just thought of a new system! Let’s have you vote for the next character I’ll draw!

Vote either #BeastMaster or #Whiperella !

Leave your thoughts!

Whiparella has won the vote!


This is really cool! I love the rocky feel you gave to his gauntlets! Two things might suggest is make his head less square and make his smile a lot bigger and creepier. #Whiperella

The head shape was for him to look more like his brother Flama. But Yeah maybe the smile could have been creepier

I agree that he could’ve gone for a creepier smile, but the rest of him is done really well.

I like how the rocky gauntlets look like they are part of him rather than just gloves. The belt is also a nice touch, although I am not sure about the gold of the buckle, the orange of the belt adds nicely to the shoulder pad spikes.

Pretty awesome interpretation of my favorite Nexo Knights villain, keep up the great work! I vote for #BeastMaster

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Yay you did something I suggested! :blush:

Also I vote for #whipperella.

Folk your legendary talents display themselves once again.


Thanks dude! your comments are always appreciated!

Anyone you’d like to vote for?

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General magmar. That guy is amazing.


Looks good!


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