Nexus MK IV

I modifed his arm armor,shield, and gave him speakers on his back. And please point out every possible flaw, I want to make this guy as good as possible.

And as always, he holds a minifgure.

Again, I want as much critique on this guy, so I could make him as cool as possible.



Maybe give him just one secondary colour, or two, instead of a bunch.
Otherwise, AWESOME.


Pretty basic-ish,but good.

I don’t really get what the speakers are there for thought.

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If he falls of his skateboard, he’'l be good.

Kneepads are king…


Yeah, I’ll go fix that. I have the pieces somewhere.

They’re there to repersent me taming over the stereo in the car with my U2 music. Sorta a personal thing.


Thanks guys!


Can you do a shot of his back?

Oops, I forgot to upload that photo. In a sec.

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Thenk ya my good sir

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Soundwave returns guys. Oh wait… Never mind

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He might benefit from a little more color cohesion with the system. Some of the small bits are a little random.

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Okay, @Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air and @JoeScibelli, I got replaced some parts


That’s awesome.

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Pretty cool! maybe work on the colors a bit.

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Did you see the one at post 11? And Thanks!

There could be more orange on the MOC, but the fact that it can hold a minifig is amazing!

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Thanks @Oniwah ! I’m redoing the torso, and will definitly try to add more orange. The orange is a great secondary color.


I miss the pirate look

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I think it could use some more trans neon red shells to go with the mask, other than that it looks cool.

I like how the orange contrasts with the rest of his armor.

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