Nightmare Ohura ( Final Battle )

As I grew, he was beginning to come to terms that I can control his being, yet this fool turned me into a four armed freak! He now knows I’m here, the battle for his mind will soon begin.

Yes, I made him again. And if you have used your head or at least get the reference, I based his series of transformations on Dragonball Z’s Frieza.

I actually have made a final form of Ohura and I’ll post it sometime soon. Let me just tell you, he is stronger than he looks in that form.


I think he looks over all pretty good (especially the back), but maybe change the top arms. The av-toran limbs look kind of out of place. Also, I don’t mind this myself, but some people won’t like the rahkshi head, as those are overused.

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I do like the unique proportions, but the silver distribution is a tad off. Not too much silver, just a tad clustered.

I forgot to tell you something, My backstory for this guy has him as a dark (despite the color) version of Lynis who is an anti-hero, so obviously his image would have a rahkshi head

Again, I think it looks fine, it’s just generally taboo to use Rahkshi heads and silver Avokis.

avokii avokii lower your avokis

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