Nightshade the Poisonbeast

I wish I had purple bohrok eyes to use for the toes. But they don’t exist in purple.

I painted the chest black with Games Workshop brand paint.




Holy underused color combination Batman!


As usual, this MOC is great. You could’ve used the purple claws on the fingers for the toes as well, I guess. Or painted Bohrok eyes purple, if you really wanted them. The technic pieces work well enough for toes though. They just look a bit awkward imo.

Besides that, this is another great MOC.


Thanks! I tried using the same design for the feet as the hands. But having “toes” on the feet just looked ridiculous.

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The Bohrok eyes exist in trans-purple, they are stupidly expensive though. Only released in an old, expensive and quite rare set:{“iconly”:0}

Nice MOC!

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Trans-purple isn’t purple though. I couldn’t have regular dark purple for the fingernails and trans-purple for the toes. That’d be weird.

And like you said, they’re really expensive. If I wanted to have enough for both the fingers and toes (16 of them), it’d be like $50. Yikes.

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That’s the story of every MOCer’s life, every piece exist in every color except for the one you need.

Nothing blocks a creative flow more than realizing that the piece you need don’t exist, or cost half a fortune.


Can you pose Nightshade and Sunbane together, or did you already destroy one/both of them?

Indeed I will. Along with a 3rd Chi MOC I’m working on today. This time using the black panther head.

Cool! I can’t wait to see.

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Wh-hu-how? I want it! Anyway great moc ur one of the MOCers I really admire so keep building ! also a tutorial on this moc wold be cool.

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Thanks cotorax. I wish I had the time to do tutorials for my MOCs. But they are so time consuming. Takes me way longer to do a tutorial than to actually build the MOC. But if you have a specific question about how I built a certain part of it, I’ll gladly break it down for you an provide close up pics if need be.

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The body

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I’ve since take this guy apart, but I the body is pretty easy to remake. I can probably snap a few pics to show you how to do it.