NUK3 Heavy Combat Unit

So I aquired a trans orange Mask of Fire and a bunch of dark blue parts at Brick Universe, a convention in Raleigh. I had an idea, and spent a day building this guy. I haven’t worked out a backstory, but the gist is that it’s some form of nuclear powered warrior. Tell me what you think! I know the Nexo Knights color scheme is a bit polarizing, but personally I like it when its just blue, silver, and orange.


I’ve never seen someone use trans-orange pieces as a main color before. It looks really cool. I think there should be some more trans-orange in the legs though.

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That’s a pretty nifty colour-scheme, the legs look a little too thin though.

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Now this is cool!

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Its a little gappy in areas but i like it.

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I’m digging the axe weapon and the way it stows on his back. Custom torso looks good too. I feel like it needs a dash more trans orange somewhere on the lower half to balance out what you’ve got on the arms and head.

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I love it I just have one question dose the 3 in nuk3 Stan for the letter E?

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Thanks for the feedback everyone! I’ll try to add more orange to the legs, bulk them up, and fill in the gaps.

[quote=“cotorax, post:8, topic:44363”]
I just have one question dose the 3 in nuk3 Stan for the letter E?
[/quote] Yeah.

Ah ok the I was hoping it was just a 3 because I kind of wanted to make nuk2 and nuk1 like they where part of a team and mabe do a colab with you! Also the axe looks like a scythe to me

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Oh don’t let the name stop you! Sounds cool.

So how 'bout that colab?