Okotan Adventures

Tarkur backs away with every hit, blocking most of the slashes with his bow. “Heh… show off.” Tarkur teases, continuing keeping the swords from hitting him.


Gladius steps up to the door of the Meeting Hall, gave two swift knocks on the door, and quietly swung in open.

“Yup.” Nuuma said as he brought both blades down near Tarkur’s shoulders and down at an angl the same as last time, spinning around again and bringing them both to Tarkur’s one side.

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Tarkur dodges the first hit and then quickly rolls over away from Nuuma leaving his swords to strike the air. He quickly gets on his feat firing two bolts one towards each sword hilt.


Nuuma followed his momentum into a sideways flip midair, going forward as he brought one sword down at Tarkur’s chest and attempted to land on his feet once more, bringing his other sword towards Tarkur’s arm. Due to his movements, neither blast hit his hands or hilts, however one did hit the armor of his lower leg.

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“D*mn!” Kavix cries, surprised and impressed.

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Tarkur stumbles backwards getting hit by one of the sword swings but was able to channel most of the hit on the bow his arm still received a beating tho. Seeing Nuuma struggle with Tarkur charges in with his bow hoping to knock Nuuma over.


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It was definitely a hit he wasn’t expected, so it hit him back, yet he rolled back up onto his feet. He ran forward again.

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Kavix watches the sparring match attentively.

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Tarkur readied his bow firing the remaining four shots before doing a back flip. Once on his fist he reloads his bow, “You’re fast. I’ll give you that.” He comments.

He spins around to the side of the blasts as he approaches, missing them, and dashes forward, giving an upward and slightly angled slice, then following his momentum around with a sideways slash. “Thanks, same to you.”

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Takur watches as Nuuma dodges his blast, “hmm” he lets out. In response Tarkur starts moving in a strange pattern he dodges the slash as it lands, he grins and grabs one the sword, heating it up with his own fire ability, “Told you I trained with the Narmoto” He says with an amused tone.


He responds with a kick to the knee, and attempted to hit the back of Tarkur’s head with the flat of his blade. “And I told you my fighting style was strange.”

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“Heh… yeah you did, didn’t you!” he says laughing receiving the hit to the knee. He backs away letting the sword hit thin air, he backed away from Nuuma knowing that Nuumas next move would be to rush towards him or to slash him.

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And it seems he would be correct, as the next move was for Nuuma to run at him and bring both swords in a straight downwards motion.

Kavix was still watching.

Tarkur yawns seeing as he was right, he had thought of a counter measure for something like this. He let Nuuma get in close, he then started to move towards Nuuma. The moment the swords was with in hitting range he took a leap from the ground, the jump carried him over Nuuma in midair he shot three projectiles from his bow down at Nuuma

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Nuuma followed through with a roll, and one more shot hit his shoulder. He then ran to a point to where when Tarkur landed, he’d be almost right on top of Nuuma.

Kavix was enjoying the match.

Tarkur lands on Nuumas head only too bounce quickly off Nuumas head, he lands and rolls over, he turns to his normal position readying his bow.