ØMÊGÅ a cyberpunk story

The neon lights of kibatsuro city blared through night. It’s funny, she thought all the buildings look like glow sticks and all the cars like fireflies. She was sitting on the big neon sign that said VERMOUTH INN in cursive on top of the squat hotel she lived in. She was smoking a cigarette. she never did this. it was only the second time I her life; the first time was wen she was in college, she’d hated it. She was only doing it now because she was out of globe pops and the only place that sold them was closed. “Whelp time to go to work” she said. she jumped off the sign, went to her room and grabbed her engine startpod then she got on her 2099 Mitsubishi vakava hover cycle pod and checked the time: 12:47. She
smiled and said “god i love being a cop”. She put the startpod in its slot and hit the gas! she was detective omega. End pt1 chapter 001


Not bad! Could use a little proofreading though

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Wow! Pretty nice (other than the writing mistakes).

Wow you have big plans with this story.

Yup I do

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