
I Knew it
I knew we would get Balderich’s Armour as a skin

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The Bastion short melted my heart. I can’t stop watching it!!!


I know

It cheers me up over the Fact that Ash lost the League AGAIN


The Bastion short gave me Pixar vibes, and I loved it.


I loved the short; though on a side note, am I the only one who has never had an issue with bastion, even pre nerf? A bastion has never given me trouble, I’ve been killed, sure, but it’s never been near as bad as people let on.

As far as OP goes zenyatta’s the only thing that’s ever given me trouble, and even then it’s not that bad. A nerf would be nice but it doesn’t feel mandatory.

Genji is ded post patch.

The only thing he was really good for was killing the weaker heroes and then challenging other heroes with his ult. By making the ult this short (6 seconds including draw time) means genji is pretty much dead. Instead they should have ruduced the range of his ult and added to the charge time, admittedly it’s too fast. Not too sure about the double jump wall climb change. I think the other changes are fine. I might also add it’s harder to aim his shurikens on console so he’s taking a giant blow there especially.
RIP cyborg ninja dude, at least I won’t be seeing you as much on competitive modes. XP


What nerf?

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I never thought Bastion was overpowered or underpowered. People simply didn’t understand how to play as or against him, despite his kit encouraging a sort of “mobile and sneaky” gameplay, where you mount up in a place no one expects, shred, run away, repair, then mount up in a different place. Also, his ult requires you to get into the fray, so his kit isn’t exactly encouraging sitting in one place the whole game (plus the poor damage at longer ranges makes it obvious you shouldn’t set up in one place for too long, because snipers, Pharahs, and Soldiers exist).

Genji needed the nerf to his ult, and I think that part is completely fair, honestly. From my talk with other people in comp, several people had already recommended his ult get reduced to 5 or 6 seconds in duration. It makes sense. The other changes to him are mostly just clean-up and changes for consistency. I mean, if Rein charge can’t bypass or damage traps, why should Genji’s dash? It makes Junkrat players have a little more consistency without having to think “wait, which characters are immune to my trap again?” It’s clean-up.

What I think would be a fair change in terms of balance would be Mei’s alt-fire. It’s too easy to spam and does an absurd amount of damage, nevermind the fact that you build a stupidly high amount of ult charge from normal hits (if I remember correctly, it’s ~12% ult charge for a bodyshot). Give her a minor buff elsewhere if it’s necessary, but her icicles need to stop being ridiculous and start being “good.” Like, Torb’s Rivet Gun good, not pre-release McCree sniper good.


I’ve heard on some occasion that bastion had received a nerf though I could be wrong about that. If so feel free to correct me.

I don’t disagree here, and I think this is actually a good decision.


What cool summer items did y’all get

The only cool thing I got was Zarya’s red weightlifter skin. It’s a cool skin, but I don’t really play Zarya. I didn’t really want any of the skins for the characters I actually play, since I already have a better looking skin or just plain wasn’t interested in it. The coolest skins (in my opinion) were Americree, Nihongenji, and the Tracer skins (because why not). I play exactly zero of those characters, but hey, at least I have a cool Zarya skin to show off in Skirmish or what have you.

So, um…

How about all that Sombra ARG stuff that happened between yesterday and today?

Tbh I lost track, it’s a bit too complicated yet boring for me what with all these random codes and passwords.

I’ve seen everything that’s listed here, but it just seems like it’s leading no where. Like sure there’s the skull or whatever but aside from that there’s like, nothing to be gained from following the ARG stuff anymore.

I bet the ARG will lead to some sort of link to a Sombra gameplay trailer. That would be great.

What does ARG even mean.

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I looked it up
Alternate Reality Gaming

or it could mean something else (possibly a in game reference)
we shall just wait and see

The only thing I really even kinda wanted was the AmeriCree skin and I got it so I’m good.

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I actually only played on the last day
since I was on holiday
and I did not want to try and play on a portable modem
so I only got two crates

#GENJI y u have 2 b nerf’d!

Genji, why do you have to be nerfed!?*

When people get upset about nerfs and buffs to their favorite Hero (especially when it’s a small one).