Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon

i wasn’t paying attention and didn’t notice that it didn’t call another one, and I killed it

you could say that i’m miffed.

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I would’ve been 100 times less depressed if I never had read that letter. Let’s just say there was a water park in my room

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so which Sun and Moon pokemon is your favorite? mine so far is Salazzle, i did not leave the volcano area until i manadge to capture a female Salandit.

Of, the stuff I actually got a chance to use, Salazzle has proved most capable

But just of what I’ve seen

Golisopod looks super cool.

Also, while very particular with what I can use him with

my Alolan Sandslash has also been fun.

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My favorite is Type: Null or Silvally.


I feel ya, this is the only pokemon game to make me feel this way.

Its evil in that it makes you think that you’re going to journey with lillie to capture the Tapu or ultra beasts or something, ONLY TO RIP HER FROM US, GAME FREAK WHY! ;-;

Definitely are the best games I think.


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[spoiler]I just wanna see Lillie again…

And now even my bro Hau is comepletely uninteresting. He just stands there in Iki Town, training with the Team Skull grunts. I really wish they had like post game quests or something other than the Ultra Beasts because I already caught all of them…

Any suggestions on what I should do while I wait for Pokémon Eclipse or 8th gen?[/spoiler]


'S never too late to complete a National Dex?


Screw that.

Too much work.

I’m lazy.

Dude, do your job as Champion. For the first time ever you literally get to defeat challengers who wish to usurp your throne. Don’t be an Alder and almost never be at the league.

Also, after you’ve caught all of the legendary Pokemon, buy clothes. Have some fun in Festival Plaza. You should also start breeding, getting some competitive Pokemon. Now’s the perfect time to try out competitive if you haven’t already. Trust me, it’s really fun.

Even if that isn’t your thing, at least challenge the battle tree and beat Red, Blue, Cynthia, Wally and Colress at least once.

Also, this is the time to complete the dex if you never have. There literally isn’t a national dex, so all you have to do is complete the regional one.

Anyone else sick of the cutscenes?

A lot of cut scenes that frankly interrupted gameplay and were primarily revolving around a side character who wasn’t likeable keep preventing me from getting invested in my own character’s goal of becoming a Pokémon master.

There was just too many occasions where you’d take a few steps forward only to be thrown into another cutscene. Or areas of the game where its basically a hallway simulator that forces you to walk through an area with branching paths that are all blocked just to follow Lillie or another character. Its bad gameplay design.

No. They made the game great.

I have to disagree even more here. Also, who cares about being a Pokemon master? That should be the side part of any Pokemon game. I’ve always wanted more story focus. It’s why my favorite game up until this point was Pokemon Black/White.

I thought that the region design gave a lot of opportunities to explore, and felt a lot more organic than past games. It also gave you an opportunity to go back and explore previous locations after doing story things. I enjoy areas that still have use even after you’ve already been there, even if it’s just for previously inaccessible items and Pokemon. Like, I can’t express enough how much I disagree with your opinion here. I’ve played every single game, and to me Sun and Moon did a lot of what previous games should have done. The region design was better, the characters were memorable and interesting, and it all felt like an actual adventure instead of “Oh, on my way to become champion of a region… again… for the seventh time…” I’ve been jaded about Pokemon and its direction ever since gen VI. If Sun and Moon can feel more “Pokemon” to me than XY, ORAS, and even D/P/P, then I say it’s doing everything right and should continue on its new path.

The game felt like an actual JRPG. I can understand if you don’t like JRPGs, but that’s not bad gameplay design, it’s just not your genre.


I don’t see how personally. They aren’t a gameplay element and while the story told via the cutscenes might be good - its not the game itself - it makes you sit and push a single button for the dialogue for 10-20 minutes during certain cutscenes.

Story focus is nice, but you end up feeling like you are just a bystander. The main story revolves around Lillie and you just kind of watch it happen during the cutscenes until a character remembers you exist and they battle you or interact with you.

Story shouldn’t make gameplay seem trivial. During several segments of the main story you just run from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ without any grass or anything to do other than occasionally talk with an NPC. A story is nice, but not when it sacrifices player enjoyment and to me this game has done that so far.

I have no issue with the idea of going back to areas after you unlock something. However this game becomes a hallway simulator multiple times simply because they want to give you a few seconds gap between spamming ‘A’ to skip the dialogue of a cutscene.

I have no issue with seeing a cutscene developing story, but seeing a cutscene, walking ten steps, seeing another cutscene, walking ten more steps and then getting another cutscene is not fun or gameplay. There are several times you are blocked from an area when you could have simply just had one cutscene or been teleported to the area you needed to be during the cutscene instead of walking through pointless padding.

Spoken like someone who has never played a good JRPG…

JRPG’s aren’t meant to be one massive cutscene that revolves entirely around a character you barely interact with.The whole point of a JRPG is that you practically always play as a main character or someone important to the story.

The exploration and the idea of unlocking things are great. A majority involve you taking control of an important character or doing something important. You are given freedom to explore.

Sun/Moon doesn’t do that. It is a hallway simulator for the main story, every action you take is pre-designed so that you only have one path to go on throughout the story. You see a branching road, but its always blocked by a Tauros or police officers or team skull.

To quote a great article on JRPG’s “A JRPG is defined by how similar it is to Final Fantasy” and in Sun/Moon’s case it is basically a JRPG in the same way that Final Fantasy XIII is.

As a better example, here is 30 minutes of Sun/Moon gameplay

Notice how the player never actually get to play during this entire video?
Notice how they run around the house searching for something else to do or a secret to find?
Notice how they walk a few steps before automatically getting stuck in a cutscene or dialogue?

That is not fun or enjoyable.

Because its a narrative. I take it you aren’t the type of person to explore all dialogue options in games like TES?

Why would you even want the story to be about you? That would mean that you’d have a huge imposed backstory getting in the way of immersion and character creation. That’s one of the main reasons people didn’t like Fallout 4. Giving the main character a story in an RPG when it’s supposed to be your character just takes away a lot of the customizable aspects. Besides, I’d rather have another character be the focus of the story, especially since it gives them a chance to develop.

I’m sorry that somehow story progression illogically gets in the way of battling for you, despite the fact that battling is very much at the forefront of the game. Also, you don’t have to run from point A to point B. There were always several trainers to battle, items to collect, and Pokemon to catch along all of those stretches. If anything, it’s your fault for being so impatient. There’s always grass on a route, unless it’s a small stop point where you can heal up.

That’s not even true. Also, why the heck would you spam A when you should be reading?

Barely any of the game is cutscene centric at all. I was actually slightly disappointed that there weren’t that many until really far in the game, besides the first island. Also, you are important to the story. You’re literally the one who pushes her on and shapes her character. Something tells me a lot of the beauty and meaning in the story was lost on you as you impatiently hammered down on A.

I disagree whole-heartedly. A JRPG doesn’t need a predefined player character, it needs a story focused around people that travel with the player character. Xenoblade Chronicles X is my main example of a JRPG with amazing characters that are so interesting that you don’t even need the player character to have their own story. The story is about everyone else, with you along for the ride. I like that.

The first island was just to set everything up, and it did its job. I’m sorry man, but I really can’t see where you’re coming from. You seem very jaded right now, so I can’t help but think you’re just being too cynical about what is a leap in the right direction, especially in terms of a Pokemon game. What we have now is at the very least, by far better than what we’ve had before.


Wrong. I enjoy the narrative exploration. There is actually a really great part of gameplay where you explore an area and encounter two NPC’s who basically help explain why Cosmog runs away from Lillie - and show that Lillie isn’t the best trainer for Cosmog that hints towards her giving him to you in the end.

Not about the player specifically, but it would be nice to actually have a story you are part of. It feels like the only reason you are in the story is because you happened to help Lillie that one time and Tapu Koko happened to give you a magical item.

In Sun/Moon you basically move to a new house and immediately you are told to go save Cosmog - you don’t ever develop a goal such as ‘I want to explore the islands and beat the league’ - we learn nothing about what motivates our character and we don’t get to make our own story about the character because we are told what to do.

Granted you can have a cool side story and the Lusamine plotline would have worked well as a side story, but the focus should have been on you deciding to explore and do things because you wanted to. You as a character have no reason to explore the other islands or even to do anything other than fight the Kahuna’s - and even that seems like a minor footnote. Even the Totem Pokémon, you kind of just battle them because they are just there. When your character has no motivation to do anything, then why should the player be invested. After the main story the game just becomes nothing because you have no goal and never did - it was always Lillie’s story.

There is always grass on a route, but you don’t always get to explore a route.

There are several parts of the game where there is no grass you can get to. Until you get your first Pokémon roughly 30 minutes into the game, the game is basically just cutscenes with no reason why it drops you back in to walk a few steps.

Yes it is true. Have you even played the game? at this point it seems like you haven’t.

I believe the average completion time of the main game is roughly 20-30 hours.

6 hours of the main game is essential cutscenes or dialogue cutscenes with NPCs.

Therefore going off the extremes saying the game is about 30 hours, thats about a 5th of the game is just cutscenes or dialogue cutscenes with NPC’s related to the main story.

Before we even arrive on the Island Lillie has broken into a top secret enemy base, stolen a legendary Pokémon and is hiding it from her mother. I’d argue that she already had the potential to be courageous and she brought that out herself while defending her life and the lives of those around her later in the game.

  • I showed you proof of the gameplay for 30 minutes of the game and the only places your character could have free movement in those 30 minutes
  • I showed you evidence that 6 hours of the game is cutscenes and dialogue
  • I showed you examples of situations where you were artificially forced to go down a hallway that had no additional interactions

Every aspect I’ve stated about the game is based on factual evidence from the game. You can have an opinion based on the facts about the game, but they are facts. Take the following as an example;

“I dislike how the game is so linear at times and is programmed in a way so that certain moments force you to just walk a short distance to trigger another cutscene”

“There are moments of the game that are linear and programmed to trigger cutscenes after you walk a short distance”

You may enjoy those aspects, but i don’t. You cant simply claim that I’m just being jaded or cynical and that the facts don’t exist because of that.

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6 hours of cutscenes out of around 58 hours of play time (and that’s without focusing on the pokedex too much) is hardly something to complain about.

Yes, the game is linear, like all Pokemon games. The plot determines where you go, like it always has. Pokemon is a linear JRPG franchise. There’s nothing wrong with linear gameplay. I can understand if it’s not your cup of tea, but that doesn’t make the game bad by any means. It just means you were looking for something that wasn’t promised to you in the first place.

Honestly, even without the “cutscenes” you’d still have the same triggered events followed by heavy dialogue. Literally take Red and Blue, have a camera pan around updated 3D models of he characters during specific important dialogue points, and you’d have the same thing. Funny how something as simple as good camera angles can make what has always existed seem new and prominent.

Oh well. You say tomato, I say tomahto. You say Arseeus, I say Arkeeeus. We could probably keep this up for eternity, but I think our opinions and general thoughts are pretty ironed out.

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ok, how many people here have tried the “easy” way to farm for shineies in Sun and Moon:

i am trying it currently and so far, i have not manadge to get a shiny Rockruff.

(and Rockruff is really annoying because of all the sand they throw at my pokemon, ruining their accuracy and thus making it even more difficout to hit any of them.)

I honestly dunno whether or not I like Lillie

Personally I found myself more interested by Gladion’s Silver-esque dynamic, but that isn’t given nearly as much focus and what-not

Now Hau

there’s a character I can without a doubt say I did not care for in the slightest

easily the most forgettable rival since…

Actually, no, he’s just straight up the most forgettable rival.

I like Barry more than I like Hau

and I don’t much care for Barry.

Edit: Wait, I forgot about Serena/Calem. So I guess that makes them the most forgettable rival. My bad.


I’ll agree that Hau should have recieved some type of character defining sidequest, but on his own he was still very memorable. I liked his chill blind optimism, and it contrasted Gladion’s character very well (as it was meant to). Not everyone can, or should be an edgelord. Besides, Hau’s battle theme was literally called “Your Friend Hau”. It’s Gladion that gets the rival theme, because he’s your rival in the game. That’s why Silvally gets the type your starter was weak against. I like the larger variety of characters around you. I didn’t it in X and Y, but that’s because they weren’t even characters. I mean, c’mon, how is dancing a “personality”?

Counting Hau as your “rival” is like counting Cheren, May/Brendan, and Lyra as your rivals.

N is your rival in BW. He takes the legendary opposite from yours, follows ideologies different than yours, and sits there as the chanpion.

Wally is your rival in RSE because he’s the one that grows strong, wants to take on the league, and is actually there, waiting for you.

Lyra… you got me there, since she was added inyo HGSS so that the gender you didn’t choose still got represented. That and gamefreak has a thing about you having at least one person by your side to support you as a buddy.

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Personally, Hau didn’t have much going for him and any indication of actual character was either vague or explicitly stated. Personally I would’ve liked them to expand on the fact that he was living in hala’s shadow as it’d have worked and been fairly easy to pull off, only requiring 3 interactions to complete the ark.

Lillie could’ve stood to have some more going for her, my personal pick being EVA like conflict, but is overall fine.

Gladion and Guzma were some of my favorite characters from the game.

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