Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

would you ever do a Pokemon NUZLOCKE?

This one.

  1. Favorite is 130, least favorite is any where it’s 80+% Bionicle.
  2. Pharah.
  3. Mei.
  1. Not really.
  2. …wait, those are organic?

I think I’ve seen parts of them, but not the whole movies.

  1. YES they’re really cool despite being pretty cheesy story-wise.
  2. I wish there was a campaign, but I also really like the comics and animations. So long as it’s easy to follow the story, I’m not annoyed.
  1. Yeah I loved that show as a kid!
  2. Like physical paint or digital? I don’t know much about physical painting but digital depends on what your brush settings are.

I don’t know what that is.


Ok! Thanks Prpl! Isn’t that show the best?

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Have you played any other Blizzard game othen than Overwatch? (AKA: Diablo or Warcraft)


Are you a ninja?

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What was your faveorite show growing up?

  1. If you could control any element of any G1 Toa, what would it be?
  2. Do you plan to see X-Men Apocalypse? (If you have, what are your thoughts?
  3. Where do you read the OW comics? Digital, or physical? They sound interesting.

What’s your least favorite kind of Dragon?

How do you plan to conquer the world?

As an added question, why would you conquer the world?

Nah, I barely play video games as it is, so I’m surprised I like Overwatch as much as I do.


Ed, Edd, n Eddy

  1. Either water or air.
  2. Nope
  3. On the Overwatch website digitally.

The gross ones that are all stubby like dogs.

Through kindness and free chocolate.

Why not?


Well, you got my vote. Free chocolate sounds really good right now.


What art software do you use and what programs would you recommend for creating digital art?

Do you ever watch things on YouTube?

what do you think of Project MESSAGE

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I use paint tool sai, which is good for beginners, but photoshop has a lot more misc tools like filters and such.

Of course!

I have literally no interest in it.


Shouldn’t you be watching it on…




Now that you’re a mod on the boards, what do you need before you finally take over TTV and gain absolute power?


How did you obtain Mod? Were you just so amazingly amazing that they gave it to you or did you blackmail them?