Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

Hijacking this AMA for this one. All TTV cast members are mods sans for Exxtrooper who is not around enough to contribute. The only reason she wasn’t before was because it was funny to exclude her.


Very true indeed.

Prpl is like the most active cast member on the boards anyway.


Aaaaayyyyy (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

The motivation to do so.

“Can we just make Prpl a mod now?” -Var

Just because of the daily art topic. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s still activity. :stuck_out_tongue:


What model of drawing tablet do you use, and what model would you recommend to beginners?

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Wow, ha ha, I was going to ask something very similar. That’s eerie, but also kinda cool :slight_smile: .

Also, is a tablet a worthwhile investment for someone like me who is just an amateur who does it for fun and to improve?

…My question feels grammatically weird to me, but I don’t know how to fix it right now. Oh well.

Do you think Overwatch is worth $60?

Will you ever get a PS4?

Which was better: 2015 or 2016?

Intuos 5 Medium. I had a Bamboo Fun when I was starting out, but I’m not sure if they still sell those anymore. Just get something on the smaller/cheeper end and when you get more comfortable with it, upgrade to something bigger.

If you enjoy it, then yes.

  1. $40? Yes, but I don’t think the bonus skins and such are worth the extra $20.
  2. Nope.
  3. As far as bionicle goes, 2016. I’m a sucker for animal-themed Lego sets.
  1. If all the cast (Including you) was trapped in an island, who would go crazy first?
  2. If the Grim reaper offers you to replace him, would you?
  3. If Life was an RPG, which class would you be?

Isn’t it $60 just for the game on consoles?



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Ok, bunch of random questions:

  1. How do you describe your current situation in 1 sentence?
  2. Why do you get bored?
  3. Cake, pie or muffin? (Or simply your favorite dessert :V)
  4. What’s your favorite song right now?
  5. Who is/was your inspiration?
  6. What is your favourite Overwatch short?
  7. If you were abducted by hostile aliens, would you join them and betray earth, or fight for earth’s freedom and humanity?

If you turn into a three-headed dragon, what you do with new form?

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I have a few questions:

  1. If you had a pet dragon what would be its name.
  2. If you don’t mind me asking, are you in high school or college?
  3. Did you/do you play Minecraft?
  4. Do you have another job besides the TTV?
  5. Is working with TTV better or worse than what you first expected?

Thank you, in advance, for answering!

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Favorite and least favorite Bionicle set?

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  1. Bacon or ham?
  2. Favorite part of being an artist?
  3. Least favorite part of being an artist?
  4. What’s the most weird thing that has happened to you this week?
  5. Would you rather go to the Bermudas triangle or to the North Pole?
  6. Chocolate or Vanilla?
  7. Pizza flavored Ice cream or Ice cream flavored pizza?
  8. Could you rank subjectively Bionicle, Ninjago, Chima and Nexo Knights?
  9. What’s your favorite emoji?
    Thx for answering
  1. I wanna say Eljay but honestly it’d probably be me.
  2. Heck yeah
  3. Idk is dragon a class? It should be a class.

I got it for PC so I dunno.

  1. Weirdly depressed for no reason lol
  2. My brain burns out of stuff easily so it takes time to recharge.
  3. Pie! :heart:
  4. I’ve just been re-listening to music lately so right now it’s Headlock by Imogen Heap.
  5. SpadeNightmaren has been my inspiration for like, 4 years straight now. I also get inspired by random art I find online, which can be found here and here.
  6. You’re probably expecting me to say Dragons because of the title, but I really liked Alive. At least until there’s a Pharah-themed one, which will be my favorite without a doubt.
  7. Kick back on my couch and watch it all unfold.

Destroy Mega Blocks

  1. Something edgy like Reaper or Enigma.
  2. Gonna finish my first year of college next week.
  3. I used to play pocket edition, but all I’d do is blow stuff up.
  4. I’m a freelance artist, so I do commissions and make my own comic.
  5. Way better tbh.

I feel like I’ve answered this already.

  1. I don’t eat pig, but I love turkey bacon.
  2. I can draw my own characters. :')
  3. Art block.
  4. I almost passed out a few times today.
  5. Uuhh… Honestly I don’t know.
  6. Chocolate
  7. I googled ice cream pizza and that looks good.
  8. I don’t actually know what subjectively/objectively mean but: Ninjago, Bionicle, Chima, Nexo Knights.
  9. The nerd one.

Good choice. /s

What are your favorite types of mocs?

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Gosh I haven’t seen it before… it’s definitely something x’D

Subjectively: In your Opinion
Objectively: In general, seen by its actual qualities and flaws (Not personal opinion)

Best answer ever


  1. Have you played any other games other than Overwatch?(and maybe Pokemon, I don’t exactly recall)
  2. Least favorite part of being ‘part of a fandom’ (any fandom)?
  3. Why are we all here?
  4. What’s your favorite number(if you have one)?
  5. Circles or squares?
  6. Where do you enjoy being more, Outside or Inside ?
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1.What is your favorite number between 1 and 7901? or just your favorite number in general… it’s not like I have a specific answer in mind.
2. How often do you stay up at night and how late do you wake up?
3. What is your favorite joke you’ve heard?

Not really, but there’s Dragonknight.

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