Ranaki's Upgraded Self-Moc

This version of Ranaki was my first attempt at titan-sized CCBS. He takes inspiration from his 2013 G1 version and his 2015 G2 version. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!

Sword in both hands

Sword down to ground

I’ma hit you!

Without his sword

Backshot 1

Backshot 2

Little Renki is jealous of all the attention. (This trio have their own topic coming soon)


Toa of christmas! you came early this year!

Pretty solid meme, fix a couple of colors and mr. Clean will be proud


Really Cool!

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he is rocking a very “Chritmas” colour scheme

I always like it when a gear function is added to a MOC. The back flows very well but the brown looks off, since there isn’t any brown anywhere else. Do you have a reason for putting the brown ones?

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I am too late to the par-ty
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Everyone’s made lots of jokes now
Fa la la la la, la la la la

This guy’s big and super bulky
Fa la la, fa la la, fa la la
And he’s got gears, that’s super sweet

I should probably give up my carol singing career.
Seriously though, I like the bulk, especially on the legs and back-torso, I like the fingers, and I like the gear function, but I feel from the front he’s quick purple-and-gold palette change away from being Onua again.
Sword is pretty wicked. Like that a lot.

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I quite like this.

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Yeah. They are the only ones that were in the part bin, as opposed to digging out something in the closet to switch them out.

I can see where you got that, from the chest and shoulders being the same pieces as 2015 Onua. I’ll have to eventually figure out how to replace the big black chest piece, or add some to it using those pin holes, T rods, and other stuff.


it reminds me of when you eat a sandwich in castle crashers

looks pretty good


The praised Toa of Christmas has come!

ye…I agree - wait, you are middlefingerstudios again?

Wow! I really like this MOC! It has a great use of CCBS, takes lots of ques from your smaller version, and is extremely solid in coverage and colors! The torso is covered up unbelievably well for having a gear function, and so are the legs! Speaking of that, the coverage on the legs really help bulk them up. And the sword has quite a strong design. Also, those fingers add a lot.

Is that @BlueCel in that one photo with your smaller MOC?

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No, that is @DropletMagus, and the other is @OculusNuva.

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Oh, now I see. Thanks for letting me know!

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bro, I’ve been back to normal for a while now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Im getting a christmas vibe :christmas_tree:

I guess I saw it early :slight_smile:

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