RWBY: Rise from Ashes (RP Topic)

I’m rather surprised we haven’t seen hide nor heard anything of Grimm; isn’t this place supposed to be crawling with them? he thought as he followed, one hand ready to draw a sai if they did run into one.

Discord follows I hope the girl is at the wreckage. I need to branch out a little more.

They get to the ship where Laurel (@jayzor17 ) was.

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Laurel is watching whatever recording the ship is playing and doesn’t notice their approach.

There was only a voice recording and it was the person talking on the intercoms, “Hello new student of Beacon, or Grimm. Let me guess you were expecting to find the pilots still in ship, hm? Well not so sorry to say, but they’re not here. Did you really think we would be stupid enough to just leave them in the ships?..”

Terin wasn’t surprised but wasn’t happy either.

Why am I not surprised?! Of course they aren’t with the planes! What?! Are they trapped by a bunch of Knuckleve(?); maybe a bunch of Ursa? Maybe some Deathstalkers? Or how about every freaking kind of Grimm aside from the Queens?! he thought angrily.

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“Pfft, you thought a Grimm would be listening to this? You did think this through, right?”

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“I’ll tell you what, being you actually fell for the trick and probably gave me a good laugh, I’ll let you know what happened,” they explained, “The all ejected one by one as soon you were told to jump. Now this message will selfdestruct in seven secs… 7… 6… 5…”

OOC: Wait, then Laurel would already know that. She jumped waaay after the message.

IC: Laurel watches the message, curious as to how something digital could “self destruct.”

“Run!” Terin screamed as he booked it, aiming to grab Kuro and Discord on the way out.

“4… 3… 2…” the recording went on.

Kuro shook her head sighing.

“1… BOOM BOOSH KABOOM, explosion noises.” That’s what they said at the end. “Mrs. Homra, what are you doing?” It was Ozpin’s voice in the background. “Oh nothing sir, just a little something for the students.” She responded. “I see, well continue then.”

OOC: How did you figure it out :sweat_smile:

Terin was fuming. He hated when things like this happened as he saw them as monkey wrenches that could easily get people killed when thrown into things.

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Kuro had her face in her palm, “Why?”

Laurel makes a mental note of this “Mrs Homra.” Sounded like someone that might be entertaining for a little bit. This just confirmed what she had seen earlier: all of the robots were somewhere else. She just had to go and find them. She turns, ready to be on her way-

That’s when she realizes the others are there.

“Oh. Hello.” Great, these people again. “How long have you been there?”

Terin then spoke in a tone that said he wasn’t going to save face here, “Would everyone kindly cover their ears?”

“That depends,” Laurel says, curling her hands together in front of her.

“If you don’t want tinnitus in the immediate future, I recommend covering your ears.” He warned, he was starting to look livid.

Discord waves to Lauren

OOC I gtg for class. Oof

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“How polite of you.” Laurel proceeds to ignore him, waving at Discord instead. Heya. How’s it going?

Discord gives a thunbs up This is weird but eh. I should learn sign langue and we can speak to each other on the downlow. Dang. That would be cool.