RWBY: The Rift (Topic)

Kota finishes another two pieces and puts them on a plate. “There you go, Luwe.” Kota catches himself. He shakes his head and says, “Iris . . . I meant Iris.” He suddenly seemed crestfallen.

OOC good night :crescent_moon: im thinking im going to be a bit more dedicated tomorrow after i take my new skate board for another ride.

Toko uses her claws to stay on

“Who’s Luwe?”

Hebi winces a little and slithers back to his room “Okay get off please.”

“He . . . he’s my eldest brother . . . well, late eldest brother,” Kota says.

OOC: Finally, one out of five has a name. /s

Toko gets off, shifting back to ask “what’s wrong?”

“I see, what happened to him?”

Hebi shifts back as well “I just need to sleep.”
OOC Anyone remember Animorphs? We need another person who can ■■■■■.
Team KTH

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“The same thing that happened to the rest of my foster village: They died revolting against . . . against . . .” He gets a vision of his village and a bandit clan in an all-out battle. Buildings were riddled with bullet holes, explosions surrounded the combatants, huntsmen and bandits alike slew each other, corpses littering the paths of the village. He sees his village dwindling, several clans losing many numbers. He holds his head, screaming, backing up against the wall and sitting, holding his tail.

OOC wait who is the K sorry im kind of lurking actually i just realized even if i tried to sleep i probably couldnt.

OOC Kota. Or we can use his last name.

OOC: waves


OOC face palm i make my self look dumber and dumber by the minute

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Toko whines “but I wanted to play!”

Iris runs up to him, “are you ok!?”

Hebi sighs and pats her on the back “It is getting late. We should sleep. We have lots to do tomorrow.”

He starts crying, hearing explosions and screams of painful and bloody death. The vision transitions into his training. Your people were nothing but trouble. Your people were nothing but pests. Your people are dead. Suddenly, the two Ursa Majors that destroyed his village appeared in his vision, before the vision shifts to the village nowadays, canoe graves confined in the dilapidated walls of the village, placed in the ruins of the homes that used to house them when they were alive. The words repeated themselves, Your people are dead. Your people are dead. “They’re dead . . . they’re all dead.”

Natalie ran into the kitchen and kneeled by Kota. “Kota? Kota, what’s wrong!?”

Kota repeated, “They’re gone . . . they’re dead.”

“no! Play!”

"Whose gone? Whose dead?

Hebi sighs and crawls into his bed “Go to bed. Or the kitten napper will get you.”

Xander returns to the inn and goes to soshi and his room trying his best to not wake soshi, he just lays on the floor and stares at the celling. And just thinks about things.

Soshi looks from under her sheets and waves “Welcome.”

“The village. The Bear Clan. All those families. My brothers. All dead,” he says. Wha . . . I didn’t used to think that. As long as I told their stories and visited their graves, they were ali- His fever got worse and his chest and back burned. He screamed in pain again.

“Kota, please, you’re scaring me!” Natalie says, tearing up.