Salvation: Part II

Spectrum hops to the side, before continuing towards the Omega key. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:5353, topic:49995”]
Clip smirks.

“Thanks,” she replies.

Red looks down at the wound in his chest.

“And I just got this waxed…” he quietly laments.

“Sorry about that.” Split said.

Sidestep transforms into vehicle mode and follows.

“For one, I changed my mind because I lost one arm and both of my legs in the battle. I wasn’t apt for fighting for a long time, and before I could get back into applying my accident happened. And then, if you say you are so though, how about you come anyway and teach the other dummies what you can? Again, there is no actual real teacher, we all are there to learn from anybody! You yourself included! Your skills would really help.”

Granted he didn’t know, Scorchlock experienced the loss of his limb like yesterday when he faced Bludgeon, it was’t pretty.

“I’m going to be honest here.” He said, with a genuine tone. “I can’t wrap my head around this, what do I gain from teaching your dummies?” He asked.

“Experience. Who knows? Maybe it will be fun? You can’t stay here locked in the room for the entire voyage! Come outside, see the world, visit your fans, or the ones who want to become like you!”

Scorchlock sighed, his shoulders fell down, in defeat. He was right with one thing. Staying inside his room for the entire voyage was a real push over.

“Fine.” He said. “I’ll give it one go and if it’s not for me, I’ll be leaving.” He stood up and looked at him. “Deal?” He asked.

“Of course! All the details are on the invitation: hangar 12, three hours from now.”

He looked on the paper. “Hmm, okay.” He said, before he forgot something. “Wait, you said I have fans?” He asked.

“I mean… there are chances for some of the ones coming to already know you, and maybe some of them are your fans. I don’t know, only five members are actually pre-elected, and one of them is gone. The others are randoms.”

“I see, you start small.” Scorchlock said. “And the other one, why did they leave?” He asked.

“She was a heretic that I thought I convinced to switch sides.”

“What was her name?” He asked. “If it isn’t too much trouble to ask for.”

“DZ-OOC: insert the code numbaer that I cannot remember at this moment. But I was calling her Diz, seeing that I can’t stand the prefabricated bots that don’t even have a proper name.”

Scorchlock nods. “So she is a decepticon?” He asked.

“Well seeing that she is a heretic, yes.”

“Yeah that reminds me of Paradox…” He sighed, walking back to his bed, sitting down. “Only if I was more persistent with him…if I would have done more…he would probably be here, alive.” He looked down.

Redstocker put his hand on his shoulder.
“Son, this is our duty. This war lasted for so long, that we can’t even remember our ideologies. We have to try to bring as many peoples to our side, to get them all out of the war. Your presence at my club may inspire some young cadets to keep fighting for freedom and justice and for a better future. Isn’t this why we fight, so we can end the fight and go home?”

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Scorchlock glanced at the hand that had been placed on his shoulder. Why did Scorchlock fight? What was his purposes, his ideology, his reasons. To what has he devoted all of his time?

Scorchlock sighed. “Yeah, but not everyone is going to come back…a lot of people already died.” He said. “The weight on my shoulders, sometimes I feel like I can’t hold it anymore. Perhaps we all lost the reason as to why we fight.”

“If I could bring them back believe me, I would. But until we find a way to do that the only thing we can do is to honour their deaths and to show that they were not in vain, they were not useless, but to use them as examples for the coming generations, to point at the warriors that gave their Sparks for the life of the ones to follow. Paradox may have died in battle at the hands of the heretics. The best way to avenge his death is to keep fighting against them and to motivate others to do the same.”

“They were Decepticons, Elite Commandos that served under Megatron.” Scorchlock said. “I doubt anyone would look up at them, because of their background. And with their deaths, I can’t help but also blame the captains of this ship.”

“After all, they are supposed to make sure, all of us make it back alive.” He mentioned. “But I suppose that is how the chain of command works. They save themselves first, than their recruits.” He said. “Or what’s left of 'em anyway.” He mutters.

“Two people cannot assure that there will be no deaths. We are a few thousands on this ship. If you and me were to replace them, would we be able to achieve such a goal? I don’t know about you, but I personally think not. Not to mention that they were personally chose by Megatron and Ultra Magnus themselves! ■■■■■■■■■■■■ served Megatron just like the Titan Squadron did!”