Salvation: Part II


The hall continued, opening into a vast, round chamber beyond. Sunlight poured into the room from a porthole at the top of the domed ceiling, falling upon a pair of metal rings hovering above the floor. Suspended within the slowly spinning bands of metal was a model of Cybertron.

The door withstands the assault, and in a flash of light, three cybertronian knights appear before SideStep. One was the Green Knight depicted in many artworks related to the Omega Lock, while the other two appeared to be standard sentries.

Your attempts at a forced entry are futile,” the Green Knight says, in Ancient. “Your weapons will not allow you to pass through this door; only the mark of a worthy soul can guarantee you passage.

“Interesting.” Thrust said, rubbing his chin. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:6789, topic:49995”]
The hall continued, opening into a vast, round chamber beyond. Sunlight poured into the room from a porthole at the top of the domed ceiling, falling upon a pair of metal rings hovering above the floor. Suspended within the slowly spinning bands of metal was a model of Cybertron.

The three look up at the model in awe. [quote=“Chromeharpoon, post:6789, topic:49995”]
The door withstands the assault, and in a flash of light, three cybertronian knights appear before SideStep. One was the Green Knight depicted in many artworks related to the Omega Lock, while the other two appeared to be standard sentries.

“Your attempts at a forced entry are futile,” the Green Knight says, in Ancient. “Your weapons will not allow you to pass through this door; only the mark of a worthy soul can guarantee you passage.”

“Can anybody understand this guy?” SideStep frowns.
“We’re tryna get through.”
He kicked a rock at the Green Knight.

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Atlantis cocks his head, unable to understand modern cybertronian.

As the Splitter brothers enter the chamber, holograms of the nine cybertronian colonies flicker to life all around the room, all labelled with cyberglyphics:










Adorning the walls were frescoes and relief carvings depicting various scenes from cybertronian history. One could see Optimus Prime opening the Matrix upon the surface of Unicron’s planet form, the Thirteen and Beta Maxx standing together before the Primal Basilica, a fleet of seven colony ships leaving Cybertron to cyberform new worlds, and the battle of the Primes atop the Hydrax Plateau.

The rock bounces off the Green Knights armor- though there was a notable lack of a metallic clang that one might have been expecting.

In response, the three Knights draw their swords.

“Uh, I don’t think we need a degree in Golden Age linguistics to understand that …” Breakswitch says.

SideStep frowned at the knights.
“CAN. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME.” He said slowly, enunciating every word.

Leave, or fall to our blades,” one of the sentinels responds.

“IIIII don’t think they do, SideStep,” Breakswitch replies.

With an annoyed growl, ■■■■■■■■■■■■ activates his gauntlets. His fists crackle with electricity as he brings them up to his chest.

The two sentinels by the Green Knight wore silver, disc-shaped devices on their wrists, marked with the emblem of the Knights of Cybertron and various religious symbols.

“Can you stop it?” Gronius said loudly, putting accents on every vowel, motioning with his hands, trying to make the knight make the connection, hoping that new Cybertronian would not be totally unintelligible to its old counterpart.

The Green Knight stands battle-ready, almost daring Gronius to make a move.

He sighed.
“Fine.” he said, drawing his sword.

Taking this as a challenge, the Green Knight dashes toward Gronius, stabbing at him with her sword.

Zepar does admire the artwork but the communication attempt from earlier was distracting him.

The echo of Atlantis lingers silently behind Zepar and the Splitter brothers, turning his head to survey the room along with them.

SideStep sighs.
“Ah, well. I was lookin for a fight, anyways.” He hefted his axe in one hand and his rifle in the other.
“Bring it, rustbuckets.”

“Atlantis, were you alone on this world?” Zepar asked.

The three Knights dash towards our heroes, swinging their swords. Breakswitch peppers one sentry with plasmafire, while ■■■■■■■■■■■■ catches another’s blade and savagely uppercuts his foe, leaving SideStep to face the Green Knight.

"What do you mean?" Atlantis asks Zepar.

"heh, no way! Enough fighting for me!’ She said with a wave of her hands, “Fighting really isn’t my thing.”

He protects himself with his own sword, before going for a kick at her chest.

“Same here,” Halfrunner says.

“But,” he sighs, “sometimes yeh can’t avoid it, I’m afraid.”

The Green Knight is caught off guard and staggers to the side.

Her armor felt strange- like her earlier attack, it felt more like thick glass than metal.

Gronius didn’t cared enough to observe that. He jumped in the air and quickly went for a powerful stab at the knight’s chest, before she could get up.

As Gronius jumped, he would hit the ceiling of the tunnel, cutting his attack short as the Green Knight transforms to beast mode.

OOC: Really…?
As he would fall back down Gronius would turn back to his robot mode, going for multiple stabs of his claws at the dragon’s neck.