Say Something Positive About the User Above You

Tesla as a great Scientist, and a great car too

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Any name with the word ‘storm’ in it is automatically cool.

Except Summer storm
You think I’m cool, that’s pretty cool

You have both numbers and a team Kahi badge.

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You look like Benidict Cumberbatch.


I like your dark and mysterious side.

You aren’t dead. That’s cool.

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You too, thats a positive :smiley:

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What, you are also a Protector, too?!?

Primes are awesome.

You have an X in your username, and X is a cool letter.

Your username has alliteration in it. I like alliteration.

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I love that Kermit the Frog picture you have as your profile picture.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

@TawaOfFire You withdrew your post! That means you felt regret, and regret means you have a moral compass! Good job man!

Also, why did this get 4 likes lol!? Not that I mind…


You followed the rules of the game, even though twenty-four hours from now it’ll look like you didn’t! Good job!

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You acknowledged that I deleted my post, and this means you pay attention to detail, which is a good trait. (I got Kapura’d when I attempted to say something positive about Lurmm. Kiixaar beat me by a millisecond and now I look like a complete idiot.)

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You acknowledged that they acknowledged that you deleted your post, meaning you’re brave enough to stand up and take the heat instead of pretending it never happened. Good job!

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Your username uses alliteration, that is dank

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