Villains at School

Due to recent events with super heroes, the world is in a bit of a hero craze

A school in Metro city is not free from this craze, everywhere you go around the school, you’ll see posters of heroes, it is called Harligans School
However, the school has a dark history and evil servants of The Dark Lord are going to attack it to steal a precious mineral that their master wants

But you don’t know that

You are just an ordinary sixth grader who has just joined the scummiest elementary school ever, your biggest worries are probably something like if Mary in your math class likes you or if you think your good enough for the sports team

Probably a bit to niche for the message boards


No auto-hitting, auto-dodging, meta-gaming or god-modding

Your characters are children, not only does this fit with the story but it is also fair

Although some of the places and other areas are based around @Mctoran’s universe, this is mostly unrelated and not really the same

This RPG will hopefully be short

The signups will never close

No overpowered characters

Not even I am an exception to the above rule, I may be the gamemaster but I am also your fellow player

Your character stories matter more than mine

Name: (something that’d make sense
Age: (11-12)
Aliases: (What does your character go by?)
Popularity level: (how popular is your character on a scale of 1-10? Try not to do many super unpopular/popular characters)
Hobbies: (what does your character do for fun?)
Noteworthy traits: (is your character brave or cowardly? Does he/she like dogs? That sort of thing)
Fears: (what are they scared of)
Good Subjects: (Lessons your good is at)
Bad Subjects: (Lessons your child is bad at)
Life so far: (when were they born, what was it like, what have they been doing all this time, how’s their life been?)

Approved characters:

Name: Craig
Age: 12
Aliases: none
Popularity Level: A 4 maybe? No one openly dislikes him, but they all think of him as a geek, but are too scared to mess with him because of his computer skills
Hobbies: Play computer strategy games, he also runs a sort of business, helping people with computer problems, but he doesn’t charge because he enjoys it.
noteworthy Traits: Geeky in the extreme, always going off with computer jargon such as, “that’s got as much value as a null variable”
Fears: none much, but he detests beans.
Good Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics, Science
Bad Subjects Art. He just thinks too literally for it.
Life so far: Not much. Usual functional family situation.

If I can have two, I’ll use this one as well.

Name: lillian
Age: 12
Aliases: Lilly (by her family)
Popularity Level: maybe a 6.5? She’s not very popular, not because no one likes her but because she’s too shy to talk to anyone.
Hobbies: Sketching, Playing Strategy games
noteworthy Traits: Extremely shy, she has almost no friends at school, but a different side of her comes out when she’s at home, or playing a Strategy game. She also Very pretty, but everyone knows it’s a lost cause.
Fears: people in general, acting, public speaking.
Good Subjects: Art, English, Math
Bad Subjects Science
Life so far: Her father died of an unknown illness when she was 7

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Life so far meant what’s happened before they joined, how was their younger childhood?

Anyway, accepted

Edited for your approval

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Much better

When you say “no overpowered characters,” does that imply that there will be superpowers involved? :open_mouth:

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I never thought about that. good point!

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Maybe, after seeing players be bad with powers I’m iffy on it, for now I’ll say no but it honestly depends on how the RPG goes

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