RPG Discussion Rules (UPDATED: July 27 2019)

Can I run multiple RPs at any one time?

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For now I’m going to say prove that you can run a single one well and I’ll consider letting you run more than one.



I recently found out about Discobot due to it popping in the Intro Topic. Since it has a dice function, would it be allowed to be used for dice rolls for a hypothetical DnD campaign?


I see no issues with that, I’ve never run into Discobot soooo yeah.


@discobot !roll

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Welp, that didn’t work

@discobot roll 1d6

I believe this is how it is formatted

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:game_die: 6


and it works!


So, is there FAC here like there was on the LMB’s? Or is it a semi-Free-for-all?

More of the latter; it’s more akin to the challenge topics of the LMBs, if I’m remembering those correctly. The #community:rpg-discussion forum here is where you post the sign-ups for your RP; that’d be where you establish the rules and other people post profiles for their characters. Then, once you feel like you have enough players to start, you create the RP topic in #community:role-playing, which is where all the actual RPing takes place.

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So you don’t necessarily have to run your character by anyone, just pop in and go. (after signing up obviously). Or is there some sort of character database?

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It’s up to the GM of a particular RP to approve your character or ask that you change it. Each topic is its own RP, disconnected from the others, so you post the character in the sign-up topic for the RP you want to join.

Ok thanks man.

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My RPG is going really slow, I’m not expecting an RWBY RPG by any means, but I don’t think anyone’s interested, I don’t want to close it though

Trust me, you shouldn’t

That’s why I said I wasn’t!

It just gets annoying when it hasn’t even got 200 yet it’s been out for months

If you want people to play your game you have to make it interesting enough to want to play. Or, sometimes the timing just doesn’t work. There can be dozens if not hundreds of reasons why a particular game doesn’t take off.

Simplest thing to do is make another one.

I had the good guy and bad guy fight and involved others!

I’ll probably do the simplest thing though
