Self Moc- Night (Update)

Well it’s been some time since I work on my self Moc. So. here he is

What I work on the most was his torso, I made it mostly out of system, which it what I was trying to go for

And made his lower legs out of system. A bit better them my Orisa Moc’s legs, but that Moc had to supper more weight. And also changer his arms a little bit too

And made his lower legs out of system. A bit better them my Orisa Moc’s legs, but that Moc had to supper more weight. And also changer his arms a little bit too

Those new blade piece really help, using the lightsaber size clip on to clip on Night’s lower back helps

Also with the new body I was able to find a way to store Night sword on to his back

The sword is the some just add a chain on to it

Well that’s it for now let me know on what you think and I’ll be back with more


His arms seem a little to long, but aside from that he’s pretty good.

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I agree, and his shoulders seem a little broad too, but he looks really awesome!

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I don’t think the system works for tge the lower legs as it contrasts too much with the feet. Perhaps make system feet. Other than that and already mentioned issues, this looks great.

Thanks for your comment and I think your right I should make system feet for him, I’ll see what I can come up with.


For what it’s worth, I think the proportions look very Bionicle. He looks like a heavily muscled version of the Inika build, which I actually like! This is a good example of Bionicle aesthetic!
I do think, though, that the feet stand out in an awkward way. I have seen some really cool looking semi-custom this game done with Metru feet that would fit this aesthetic really well!
Good work!

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This is really good, I like all the little details.

This is the one time i actually enjoy clashing ascetics. This moc is quite interesting and has a lot of creative building in it. Cool stuff my guy.

Very, very good stuff. I like the simple black and gray color scheme. The arms are really well designed. And the sword is all kinds of wicked.

I see that he doth hoist.

Now that’s a six pack