Well, when the Netflix Bionicle Series came out, we saw that Umarak the Hunter could summon these shadow beasts that were like the predecessor to the beasts of summer 2016, so i made a replica of them, it isnt a 100% accurate because we only se the creatures in like one scene were the scene is like a minute long, but yea, please enjoy!
You nailed it, that’s pretty cool actually
There are official instructions for this guy, which were made during the famous visit to the Lego headquarters, where there was the original model for the “Shadow Spawn” (that’s the name that was given by the producers of the serie)
Wrecker of Doors’s albums | Flickr (it’s “Shadow Spawn instructions”)
Oh, i didnt know it, cool
I have to say that yours looks a lot closer to the one in the show, though.
Pretty accurate.
Accurate representation of one. Good job!
is there an image of the actual beast from the show
dont think so
Noot too much is changed, not too little is changed. And it Looks similar to the orginal. Looks pretty good.
I never watched JTO yet, but this looks accurate as far as I can tell!
Nice work!