Skarta The Skeleton

Behold! Skarta! one of my favorite of my mocs and for good reason, in fact in my opinion it tops my self-moc, but I don’t exactly enjoy my self-moc, I think the premise behind it is a bit too cluttered and needs a lot of rethinking, but enough about that, here is a broken down robot skeleton.

here is a back view

and he even has a gear function!

this has a very simple build, if this looks simple to you

and what good moc doesn’t have waste articulation?
humble brag

and yes, I know the name sounds like sparta


I really like his Custom Torso, with the hunched back and skeletal ribs.

The rest of MOC is pretty cool, but dat body takes the cake for the coolest thing on the model.


thnx! in fact the original inspiration behind the torso build was just attaching a hero factory foot piece to the front of a gear box, and than attaching a paraka head to that and than the whole thing just eventually came together, BTW I just finished, like, an hour ago.


Limbs seem too small for the body


By jolly this is awesome. I love the torso design. I also like how the limbs are small, just something about really goes with the torso design i don’t know why. But hey that’s just an opinion, my opinion.

Now I want to make another self MOC, but I’ll have to tear Lord of Skull Spiders apart in order to make him. Is it worth such a sacrifice.

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yes, LOS is a bad set, and a bad villian, so why have him when you can have something probably far better.

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Good by my old friend LOSS, thanks for eating me.

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eating you? I’m a herbivore, I don’t eat meat, unless it’s plant meat, in that case you probably have already been devoured by me.

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I was talking to LOSS, when I post my new Self MOC on the message boards you’ll see why I said that.

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o… k?

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Dude looks like a Dark Souls boss. Very cool! The inclusion of a gear function is awesome!

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I like the body, but I don’t really get the rusted vibe. Neat MOC regardless.

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I want to make a “Spooky” joke, but decided against it.

Anyway, the moc is pretty good. I like the sword, and I just love the proportions. I feel that they work here (unlike a certain blue set realized this year)

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It’s just supposed to be a broken down rusted oll skeleton, I didn’t really make him look rusty, the point is he’s a decrepit robot skeleton.

Well-made MOC. I don’t get the name, though, because there are no signs of rust.
Overall, great!

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I can’t help but associate horned Piraka skulls with Meso…

This is really cool, I really like the torso. The sword is pretty nice too. :smile:

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I’m not a huge fan of that “hat,” and the name seems a bit confusing considering the lack of reds/oranges, but otherwise this is pretty cool!

The limbs also seem small when compared to the body, but I actually kinda like that. Gives off a cartoony kinda vibe.


Yay, someone actually figured out what that was! Here is a couple extra pics BTW

Without hat

Also fixed the gear box, because it was almost impossible to get good poses with the arm constantly falling down


this is a very unique Mocs just does not look like a rusted skeleton to me
other than that nice Moc

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Like others said, the torso is great and probably my favorite part of the moc. I really like the aesthetic of the hunchback skeleton :smile: