Behold! Skarta! one of my favorite of my mocs and for good reason, in fact in my opinion it tops my self-moc, but I don’t exactly enjoy my self-moc, I think the premise behind it is a bit too cluttered and needs a lot of rethinking, but enough about that, here is a broken down robot skeleton.
thnx! in fact the original inspiration behind the torso build was just attaching a hero factory foot piece to the front of a gear box, and than attaching a paraka head to that and than the whole thing just eventually came together, BTW I just finished, like, an hour ago.
By jolly this is awesome. I love the torso design. I also like how the limbs are small, just something about really goes with the torso design i don’t know why. But hey that’s just an opinion, my opinion.
Now I want to make another self MOC, but I’ll have to tear Lord of Skull Spiders apart in order to make him. Is it worth such a sacrifice.
I want to make a “Spooky” joke, but decided against it.
Anyway, the moc is pretty good. I like the sword, and I just love the proportions. I feel that they work here (unlike a certain blue set realized this year)